I hope someone is out there who has more knowledge then me (to be honest there is a 1000% change on that).
What is the challenge?
I want to utilize from the Node-Red plugin @meshtastic/node-red-contrib-meshtastic the DECODE node. I got it working but it either fills all disc space (170Gb free) in 3 days to zero bytes available or if I limit the size of the logging file most likely burns a hole in my drive. Why?
Regardless of the logging console level (including "off") in settings,js it floods the log files with DECODEd data which you normally only expect to see if you activate the DEBUG node. I think I can not control this output because it does not contain a logging console level.
So, easy question for you: How can this be avoided? Is there a simple setting for this (maybe one to be omitted) ? Thanks for your attention and perhaps solution in advance.
For testing you need a MQTT bridge to the Meshtastic MQTT server, but I hope the problem itself is generic enough to tackle. Be aware if you are using already decoding of protobufs that there is node naming overlap with the comparable plugin node-red-contrib-protobuf (node) - Node-RED but due to (probably) out of date meshtastic protobufs I do not get this one to work, also have no other protobuf examples to verify if it has the same (unwanted) behavior.
System details:
- Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 6.8.0-51-generic x86_64)
- Nodered: v4.0.8 (Docker)
- @meshtastic/node-red-contrib-meshtastic: 2.2.18-1
Example of the first decode record which is pushed into the log file:
nodered | Serializing ServiceEnvelope to JSON for output
nodered | Decoder was not null and not a TextDecoder. Assuming Protobuf decoder and decoding payload
nodered | Decoded payload to JSON:
nodered | {
nodered | "packet": {
nodered | "from": 573288178,
nodered | "to": 4294967295,
nodered | "channel": 0,
nodered | "decoded": {
nodered | "portnum": 3,
nodered | "payload": {
nodered | "latitudeI": 0,
nodered | "longitudeI": 0,
nodered | "altitude": 0,
nodered | "time": 1734684283,
nodered | "locationSource": 0,
nodered | "altitudeSource": 0,
nodered | "timestamp": 0,
nodered | "timestampMillisAdjust": 0,
nodered | "altitudeHae": 0,
nodered | "altitudeGeoidalSeparation": 0,
nodered | "PDOP": 0,
nodered | "HDOP": 0,
nodered | "VDOP": 0,
nodered | "gpsAccuracy": 0,
nodered | "groundSpeed": 0,
nodered | "groundTrack": 0,
nodered | "fixQuality": 0,
nodered | "fixType": 0,
nodered | "satsInView": 0,
nodered | "sensorId": 0,
nodered | "nextUpdate": 0,
nodered | "seqNumber": 0
nodered | },
nodered | "wantResponse": false,
nodered | "dest": 0,
nodered | "source": 0,
nodered | "requestId": 0,
nodered | "replyId": 0,
nodered | "emoji": 0
nodered | },
nodered | "id": 672638178,
nodered | "rxTime": 1734684306,
nodered | "rxSnr": -17.25,
nodered | "hopLimit": 2,
nodered | "wantAck": false,
nodered | "priority": 0,
nodered | "rxRssi": -128,
nodered | "delayed": 0
nodered | },
nodered | "channelId": "LongFast",
nodered | "gatewayId": "!7b076002"
nodered | }