I'm trying to package some of my flows into sub-flows to make it easier to follow.
One of my function nodes is going through the flow context store using:
and delete some variables when they are not needed.
After packaging this into sub-flows this function stopped working.
I know that the parent variable can be accessed by using
flow.get('$parent.' + 'variable_name');
Is there any option to use keys() function and then to set specific $parent variables to undefined?
Basically, I need to retrieve a list of the parent flow variables to find ones that need deleting and delete them from the sub-flow level.
Thank you for prompt response.
I thought that I do something wrong, now at least I know it's currently unavailable.
Do you know if this is planned to be included in the future releases?
I don't see the reason why this wouldn't work, but in my case it's defeating the object of having a subflow.
Instead of making it simpler it will add complexity.
I will have to send request from the subflow and than inject the results back into input. As there is only one input to the subflow available I will have to manage the messages to get to the right part of the subflow. Alternatively I can have two subflows, but again this will make it more complex than it currently is with my function nodes.
Yes, I know, it was just a quick work-around idea but it depends on the urgency. If you have time to wait, then wait until this gets covered from the backlog