Add an element on the go based on the value of msg.payload

I've seen, reviewed and looked more into the topic, and partially succeded in what I want to do.

if I send the number 3 to this function (takjen from this helpful post)

let num = msg.payload;

msg.payload = {
    Element1: num,
    Element2: "Two",
    Element3: "Three"
msg.payload[msg.payload.Element1] = false;

return msg;

I end up creating a msg.payload.3 set to false.

Sadly I ended up stopping in the next problem: since I want to store this values in a global object, I've previously created three global variables that I want to update.

I create them using a change node, that I inject before testing the function:

Then I edited my code in the function: I want to update one of those variables based on the number passing throught the function:

let num = msg.payload;

msg.payload = {
    Element1: num,
    Element2: "Two",
    Element3: "Three"
msg.payload[msg.payload.Element1] = false;

global.meridiana[msg.payload.Element1] = false;

return msg;

This gives me an error: "TypeError: Cannot set property '3' of undefined"

Why is global.meridiana["3"] undefined since I previously declared it in the change node?

Why I have msg.payload assigned to 3 and not payload.3 = false from this function here?

let num = msg.payload;

msg.payload[num] = false;

return msg;

Sorry for the many questions: hoping in some help

Thanks in advance.
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