How can i populated value to JSON payload

i do have a function node where i build a JSON message based on the set points.

However as you observer i do have a parent node "01" this refers to the data packet which i receive from the


which will increment and give a current data packet number.
Is there a way how i can send


value instead

msg.payload =
    "state": {
        "response": {
            "home": {
                "01": {
                    "temperature": global.get("currentTemp"),
                    "humidity": global.get("currentHumidty")
msg.payload =
    "state": {
        "response": {
            "home": {
                 [global.get("currentDataPacket")]: {
                    "temperature": global.get("currentTemp"),
                    "humidity": global.get("currentHumidty")

In fact that is not JSON, JSON is always a string. You are creating a javascript object.

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