Hi, my management console is finished, and runs flawlessly and stably with node-red, mqtt, and various domoticz servers with rpis in the wan.
I have some questions about the proper use of variables and to learn how to program properly ...
My current situation is that:
- I mainly use flow variables in the menu (list nodes) because after filling different list nodes the messages are lost;
- in the menu when starting an option (button start); the flow variables are converted into msg variables that are then used in the execution of various submodules ...
- I have set ip addresses and passwords as global variables (url1-10); name and password are in the global urls
My questions:
- Is storing names and password in globals secure?, among other things, when sharing flows via an export?
- Is it correct that I convert the menu items at execute (start button) to message variables or should I have used the flow variables in executing the flow with different sub-modules?
- The dashboard displays standard information, status information, history, etc. Is it wise to fill these information items with their own messages, or with one message with different fields ?
De main architecture of my management console: