All objects in array updated with last UI keying data

Hi, i want keep setup parameter objects on array via Apply ui button.
Setup parameter will update to connection_para flow context as object.
Once finished setup, click ui Apply button save parameter object to store_conn flow context.

The issue is, i do not know why previous objects in store_conn all are updated to latest entry setup parameter before click Apply button.

Can anyone help me up. Thank you

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        "name": "Store connection parameter",
        "func": "\nif(msg.payload === 1){ \n    \nvar options = flow.get('connection_para','file');\n\nvar configs = flow.get('store_conn','file')||[];\n\nvar len = configs.length;\n\nnode.warn(\"length = \" + len);\n\nconfigs[len]= options\n\nflow.set('store_conn', configs,'file');\n\nmsg.payload = configs\n\nreturn msg;\n}\n",
        "outputs": 1,
        "noerr": 0,
        "initialize": "// Code added here will be run once\n// whenever the node is started.\n\n\n\nif (flow.get(\"store_conn\", 'file') === undefined) {\n    flow.set(\"store_conn\", [],'file')\n}\n\n\nif (flow.get(\"connection_para\", 'file') === undefined) {\n    var tag ={};\n = '',\n    tag.address = '',\n    tag.portno = null,\n = null\n    flow.set(\"connection_para\",tag,'file')\n}\n",
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        "func": "var para = flow.get(\"connection_para\",'file')||{};\n\npara.portno = msg.payload;\n\nflow.set(\"connection_para\", para,'file');",
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Welcome to the forum @zyx09

Have a look at the ui_form widget. That provides input fields of various types and a Submit button. The data for all fields is sent when Submit is clicked which should make your flow much simpler I think.

Yes. i will try it.
Appreciate your advice.
Happy Christmas..... :grinning:

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