Annotated settings.js

Been meaning to share this for a while. This is a sanitised version of my settings.js file.

There are a few potential advantages over the stock version - use or abuse as you like :smiley:

  • Annotated - using JSDoc comments rather than the originals where possible - this greatly improves readability, especially when using a decent code editor such as VScode.
  • Some annotation regions also included - supporting code editors will let you collapse these regions which can make working on the file a lot easier.
  • Captures the Node-RED PID and makes it available as a file and as a global variable (commented out) - useful if you want to kill or restart Node-RED from a flow.
  • Increases the number of environment variables available. Really useful if you want/need to start multiple instances of Node-RED.
  • Replaces references to @knolleary's home drive with generic references that should work on any platform. :smiley:
  • Replaces all hard-coded filing system paths with cross-platform versions.
  • Provides example Node and Admin middleware functions with some settings that improve security.
  • Adds some global variables that may be useful - all are commented out to ensure maxumum security, add/remove/change as needed
    • PID - as mentioned above
    • All environment variables - this is convenient but might be a security issue in some environments
    • The user id and user home folder for the user that runs Node-RED - again, this might be a security issue with some environments but is otherwise quite handy.
    • The require function - this lets you do const require = global.get('require') at the top of a function node so that you can require any other installed npm modules. WARNING this is definitely a security issue! Don't do this if your instance of Node-RED is available across the Internet or if multiple people use it.
  • The global context keys are also exposed so that you can use global.keys(). Again, don't do this if you are trying to secure your instance.
  • Context storage is configured with the default to memory and file for the filing system

I will try to update this when new settings appear in Node-RED as they do from time-to-time. I do a comparison between my and the default settings.js when a new version of Node-RED is produced.

 * JK Version of Node-RED Settings file
 * @see ..\node_modules\node-red\settings.js
 * @version Node-RED v1.2.6

const path = require('path')   // Node core library. path library for cross-platform file system specs
const fs   = require('fs')     // The `https` setting requires the `fs` module.
//const _    = require('lodash'); // lodash (improved underscore) for JS utility fns

/** Save a PID file so that Node-RED can be easily restarted even when run manually */
const pid ='PID: ', pid)
process.env.node_red_pid = pid+''
fs.readdir('.', (err, files)=>{
    if (err) throw err

    for (var i = 0, len = files.length; i < len; i++) {
        var match = files[i].match(/.*\.pid/)
        if(match !== null) fs.unlink(match[0], (err) => {
            if (err) throw err

    fs.writeFile(`${pid}.pid`, `${pid}`, (err) => {
        if (err) throw err

/** Optionally display the Node.js/v8 engine heap size on startup */
// const v8 = require('v8')
//`V8 Total Heap Size: ${(v8.getHeapStatistics().total_available_size / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2)} MB`)

module.exports = {
    /** the tcp port that the Node-RED web server is listening on */
    uiPort: process.env.PORT || 1880,

    /** By default, the Node-RED UI accepts connections on all IPv4 interfaces.
     * To listen on all IPv6 addresses, set uiHost to "::",
     * The following property can be used to listen on a specific interface. For
     * example, the following would only allow connections from the local machine.
     * This can be useful security when putting NR behind a reverse proxy on the same device.
    //uiHost: process.env.HOST || '',

    /** Retry time in milliseconds for MQTT connections */
    mqttReconnectTime: 15000,

    /** Retry time in milliseconds for Serial port connections */
    serialReconnectTime: 15000,

    /** Retry time in milliseconds for TCP socket connections */
    //socketReconnectTime: 10000,

    /** Timeout in milliseconds for TCP server socket connections, defaults to no timeout */
    //socketTimeout: 120000,

    /** Maximum number of messages to wait in queue while attempting to connect to TCP socket, defaults to 1000 */
    //tcpMsgQueueSize: 2000,

    /** Timeout in milliseconds for HTTP request connections - defaults to 120 seconds */
    //httpRequestTimeout: 120000,

    /** The maximum length, in characters, of any message sent to the debug sidebar tab */
    debugMaxLength: 1000,

    /** The maximum number of messages nodes will buffer internally as part of their
     * operation. This applies across a range of nodes that operate on message sequences.
     *  defaults to no limit. A value of 0 also means no limit is applied.
    //nodeMessageBufferMaxLength: 0,

    /** To disable the option for using local files for storing keys and certificates 
     * in the TLS configuration node, set this to true
    //tlsConfigDisableLocalFiles: true,

    /** Colourise the console output of the debug node */
    debugUseColors: true,

    /** The file containing the flows. If not set, it defaults to flows_<hostname>.json */
    //flowFile: 'nrmain_flows.json',

    /** To enabled pretty-printing of the flow within the flow file, set the following
     *  property to true:
    flowFilePretty: true,

    /** By default, credentials are encrypted in storage using a generated key. To
     * specify your own secret, set the following property.
     * If you want to disable encryption of credentials, set this property to false.
     * Note: once you set this property, do not change it - doing so will prevent
     * node-red from being able to decrypt your existing credentials and they will be
     * lost.
    credentialSecret: 'Replace me with something more random',

    /** By default, all user data is stored in a directory called `.node-red` under
     *  the user's home directory. To use a different location, the following
     *  property can be used
     *  JK: Setting via startup command
    //userDir: path.join(os.homedir(), '.node-red')',

    /** Node-RED scans the `nodes` directory in the userDir to find local node files.
     *  The following property can be used to specify an additional directory to scan.
    //nodesDir: path.join(os.homedir(), '.node-red', 'nodes')',

    /** By default, the Node-RED UI is available at http://localhost:1880/
     *  The following property can be used to specify a different root path.
     *  If set to false, this is disabled.
     *  WARNING: If left unset or set to a path that user paths sit beneath,
     *           any admin middleware such as the httpAdminMiddleware function
     *           will also run for those user paths.
     *           This can have unintended consequences.
    httpAdminRoot: process.env.httpAdminRoot || '/red',

    /** Some nodes, such as HTTP In, can be used to listen for incoming http requests.
     *  By default, these are served relative to '/'. The following property
     *  can be used to specifiy a different root path. If set to false, this is
     *  disabled.
    httpNodeRoot: process.env.httpNodeRoot || '/',

    /** The following property can be used in place of 'httpAdminRoot' and 'httpNodeRoot',
     *  to apply the same root to both parts. Defaults to '/'.
    //httpRoot: process.env.httpRoot || '/',

    /** When httpAdminRoot is used to move the UI to a different root path, the
     *  following property can be used to identify a directory of static content
     *  that should be served at http://localhost:1880/.
    //httpStatic: process.env.httpStatic || path.join('.', 'public'),

    /** The maximum size of HTTP request that will be accepted by the runtime api. Default: 5mb */
    //apiMaxLength: '5mb',

    /** If you installed the optional node-red-dashboard you can set it's path relative to httpRoot */
    //ui: { path: 'ui' },

    //#region ------ Securing Node-RED ------ //

    /** To password protect the Node-RED editor and admin API, the following
     * property can be used. See for details.
    // adminAuth: {
        // type: "credentials",
        // // sessionExpiryTime: 604800, // in secs, default 7d=604800
        // default: {
        //     permissions: "*"
        // },
        // users: [
        //     {
        //         username: "admin",
        //         password: "$2a$08$wmsrXbrhacO5v15.vr/jWOk54pRcbqWdOljStdMycrnFbYF.kTctu",
        //         permissions: "*"
        //     },{
        //         username: "reader",
        //         password: "$2a$08$wmsrXbrhacO5v15.vr/jWOk54pRcbqWdOljStdMycrnFbYF.kTctu",
        //         permissions: "read"
        //     },
        // ],
    // },

    /** To password protect the node-defined HTTP endpoints (httpNodeRoot), or
     * the static content (httpStatic), the following properties can be used.
     * The pass field is a bcrypt hash of the password.
     * See
    //httpNodeAuth: {user:'user',pass:'$2a$08$XPzmmEYTvmUI75ajrc.mheyvRKSoZAUwQYDgdmlYLUp3eP6JQrz1m'},
    //httpStaticAuth: {user:'user',pass:'$2a$08$zZWtXTja0fB1pzD4sHCMyOCMYz2Z6dNbM6tl8sJogENOMcxWV9DN.'},

    /** The following property can be used to enable HTTPS
     * See
     * for details on its contents.
     * See the comment at the top of this file on how to load the `fs` module used by
     * this setting.
    //https: {
        //key: fs.readFileSync( path.join(os.homedir(), '', '<domain folder>', '<keyname>.key') ),
        //cert: fs.readFileSync( path.join(os.homedir(), '', '<domain folder>', 'fullchain.cer') )
    /** Alternatively:
        https: function() {
            return {
                key: fs.readFileSync('privkey.pem'),
                cert: fs.readFileSync('cert.pem'),
        OR https asynchronous function:
        https: function() {
            return Promise.resolve({
                key: fs.readFileSync('privkey.pem'),
                cert: fs.readFileSync('cert.pem'),

    /** The following property can be used to refresh the https settings at a
     *  regular time interval in hours.
     *  This requires:
     *  - the `https` setting to be a function that can be called to get the refreshed settings.
     *  - Node.js 11 or later.
    //httpsRefreshInterval : 12,

    /** The following property can be used to cause insecure HTTP connections to
     * be redirected to HTTPS.
    //requireHttps: true,

    /** The following property can be used to disable the editor. The admin API
     * is not affected by this option. To disable both the editor and the admin
     * API, use either the httpRoot or httpAdminRoot properties
    //disableEditor: false,

    /** The following property can be used to configure cross-origin resource sharing
     * in the HTTP nodes.
     * See for
     * details on its contents. The following is a basic permissive set of options:
    //httpNodeCors: {
        //origin: "*",
        //methods: "GET,PUT,POST,DELETE"

    /** If you need to set an http proxy please set an environment variable
     * called http_proxy (or HTTP_PROXY) outside of Node-RED in the operating system.
     * For example - http_proxy=
     * (Setting it here will have no effect)
     * You may also specify no_proxy (or NO_PROXY) to supply a comma separated
     * list of domains to not proxy, eg -,

    /** The following property can be used to add a custom middleware function
     *  in front of all http in nodes. This allows custom authentication to be
     *  applied to all http in nodes, or any other sort of common request processing.
     * @param {Object} req The ExpressJS request object
     * @param {Object} res The ExpressJS result object
     * @param {Function} next Function that MUST be called at the end of this function so that further ExpressJS middleware functions will be chained
    httpNodeMiddleware: function(req,res,next) {
        // Handle/reject the request, or pass it on to the http in node by calling next();
        // Optionally skip our rawBodyParser by setting this to true;
        //req.skipRawBodyParser = true;


        // Help reduce risk of XSS and other attacks
        //res.setHeader('Content-Security-Policy',"script-src 'self'")

    /** The following property can be used to add a custom middleware function
     *  in front of all admin http routes. For example, to set custom http headers
     * @param {Object} req The ExpressJS request object
     * @param {Object} res The ExpressJS result object
     * @param {Function} next Function that MUST be called at the end of this function so that further ExpressJS middleware functions will be chained
    httpAdminMiddleware: function(req,res,next) {
        // Help reduce risk of XSS and other attacks
        // Set the X-Frame-Options header to limit where the editor can be embedded
        res.set('X-Frame-Options', 'sameorigin')


    /** The following property can be used to pass custom options to the Express.js
     * server used by Node-RED. For a full list of available options, refer
     * to
    httpServerOptions: {
        // 'trust proxy': true,  // t/f or subnet to trust or function, default false
        'x-powered-by': false,

    /** Optional callback for webSocketNodeVerifyClient
     * @callback wsVerifyCallback
     * @param {boolean} result whether to accept the connection or not
     * @param {number} code if result is false, the HTTP error status to return
     * @param {string} reason if result is false, the HTTP reason string to return
    /** The following property can be used to verify websocket connection attempts.
     *  This allows, for example, the HTTP request headers to be checked to ensure
     *  they include valid authentication information.
     * WARNING: Verify only works on initial socket connection. 
     *          This is a weakness of websockets not Node-RED
     * @param {Object} info
     * @param {string} info.origin the value in the Origin header
     * @param {Object} info.req the HTTP request
     * @param {boolean} true if req.connection.authorized or req.connection.encrypted is set
     * @param {wsVerifyCallback} [callback] Optional. Verify the client asynchronously
     * @return {boolean} The function should return true if the connection should be accepted, false otherwise.
    // webSocketNodeVerifyClient: function(info) {
    //     console.log('WEBSOKCETNODEVERIFYCLIENT: ', info)
    //     return true
    // },
    //#endregion ----- Securing Node-RED ----- //

    /** The following property can be used to seed Global Context with predefined
     * values. This allows extra node modules to be made available with the
     * Function node.
     * For example,
     *    functionGlobalContext: { os:require('os') }
     * can be accessed in a function block as:
     *    global.get("os")
    functionGlobalContext: {
        //_env: process.env,  // Pass environment vars to Node-RED
        //userid: process.env.user || process.env.username || process.env.USER,
        //userHome: process.env.home || process.env.userhome || process.env.HOME,
        //require: require,   // DANGER Will Robinson!
        //_: require('lodash'),
        //wiser: require('node-drayton-wiser')(),

    /** `global.keys()` returns a list of all properties set in global context.
     * This allows them to be displayed in the Context Sidebar within the editor.
     * In some circumstances it is not desirable to expose them to the editor. The
     * following property can be used to hide any property set in `functionGlobalContext`
     * from being list by `global.keys()`.
     * By default, the property is set to false to avoid accidental exposure of
     * their values. Setting this to true will cause the keys to be listed.
    exportGlobalContextKeys: true,

    /** Context Storage
     * The following property can be used to enable context storage. The configuration
     * provided here will enable file-based context that flushes to disk every 30 seconds.
     * Refer to the documentation for further options:
     * Default is to use 'memory' only.
     * 'memory' and 'localfilesystem' are both synchronous.
    contextStorage: {
        default: {
        file: {
            module: 'localfilesystem',
            // config: {
            //     flushInterval: '10', // default is 30s
            // },

    /** The following property can be used to order the categories in the editor
     * palette. If a node's category is not in the list, the category will get
     * added to the end of the palette.
     * If not set, the following default order is used:
    //paletteCategories: ['subflows', 'input', 'output', 'function', 'social', 'mobile', 'storage', 'analysis', 'advanced'],

    /** Configure the logging output */
    logging: {
        /** Only console logging is currently supported */
        console: {
            /** Level of logging to be recorded. Options are:
             * fatal - only those errors which make the application unusable should be recorded.
             * error - record errors which are deemed fatal for a particular request + fatal errors.
             * warn - record problems which are non fatal + errors + fatal errors.
             * info - record information about the general running of the application + warn + error + fatal errors.
             * debug - record information which is more verbose than info + info + warn + error + fatal errors.
             * trace - record very detailed logging + debug + info + warn + error + fatal errors.
             * off - turn off all logging (doesn't affect metrics or audit).
            level: 'info',
            /** Whether or not to include metric events in the log output */
            metrics: false,
            /** Whether or not to include audit events in the log output */
            audit: false,

    /** Customising the editor
     * favicon, page title, header text, header icon, deploy button, hide user menu, customise main menu, custom css, login logo
     * @see
    editorTheme: {
        projects: {
            /** To enable the Projects feature, set this value to true */
            enabled: false,
        //header: {
            //title: 'HOME',
            //image: "/absolute/path/to/header/image", // or null to remove image
            //url: 'https://localhost' // optional url to make the header text/image a link to this url

// EOF


2020-12-23 18:46

Amended comments and default for httpAdminRoot to reflect the comments from @kevinGodell.


Thanks for the cleanup.

It might be a good idea to add a warning here that the httpAdminMiddleware will be called for all descendant paths if admin live at /. To be clear of what I mean, it gets called for /ui and /some-custom-node-path/some-resource.

If there are improvements needed to the docs in the default settings file, then please consider a pull request.

It's true we probably wouldn't want all the extra functional changes you've made, but the doc updates should be pretty straight forward and benefit everyone.

Hi Nick, this is an update to something I shared previously.

I will try to do a PR over Christmas.

Hi Kevin, are you sure about that? I think that some(?) endpoints at least use a different instance of ExpressJS.

Might need some testing?

I have been integrating my authentication middleware for admin, ui, and my mp4frag video stuff lately. I can verify that the admin middleware gets called for any paths because my admin root is at /.

At first, I was unpleasantly surprised to see my admin middleware act as a top level middleware, but now it makes sense why it occurs, and I am going to take advantage of it. I will do my cookie, jwt, and user access level verification in the admin middleware. If the req.path matches any of my known routes where I have other middleware waiting, I will add the necessary values to res.locals and return next().

i think that node-red would have to be structured using express Router to isolate its middleware, but I am not 100% sure on that.

Well, I have to say that I never leave the admin route as the root URL. That has never made sense to me. I always move it to /red for my own use since I can't ever imagine wanting to use that path for anything else. :smiley:

Some quick tests:

  • Editor=/red, http-in/out=/nr/url, httpNodeRoot=nr - Confirmed that the two middleware functions definitely do not overlap. They are completely separate. Confirmed by setting different headers for each.

  • Editor=/, http-in/out=/nr/url, httpNodeRoot=nr - Confirmed that the two middleware functions definitely DO overlap. Confirmed by setting different headers for each, both sets of headers appear. Also noting that the admin middleware runs for uibuilder pages as well.

I would say that would at best be an unintended site-effect. But in truth, I might be tempted to class that as a bug. I don't believe that the admin middleware should run for any other path than the admin tasks. But I can understand why it does.

I think that I may add some guidance to uibuilder to tell people to move admin so that they don't get unintended consequences.

Thanks for noting this. I will update the comments in the settings file as well.

Comments updated.

I have most things set to the defaults, which I might assume will be the case for most new users. It would definitely be hard for me to call anything a bug, since I have such small experience here. I guess that will be something for the node-red elders to hash out. Thanks for bringing extra attention to the matter.

1 Like

Great annotations!

I´m still looking for at place to configure the Projects - git access (username and application token), is that possible in the settings.js or is that written somewhere else?

That is standard GIT settings, have a look at configuration for git.

What settings file describes these "standard git settings"?

I have searched throud the .node-red directory and found that .config.users.json contains

"git": {
"globalUser": {
"name": "data-removed",
"email": "data-removed"
"user": {
"name": "data-removed",
"email": "data-removed"

but no token.

I am running the Node-RED editor in a Stateless K8s setup, and every time the container is reconfigured (e.g. an ENV variable is added by my sec-ops department) i loose the git setup and has to manually enter name, email and token for the repo i want to sync...

Please read up on the git application.

Hi @jmk-randers

To answer your question directly, you cannot configure your git user via the Node-RED settings.js file - it is done via the editor.

The editor doesn't store your git credentials either - it will prompt the first time you try to access the remote git repo, and then it holds them in memory. If you restart Node-RED, it will prompt for the credentials again.

My bad:

Cheers for the precise answer Nick!

Any development plans or existing methods for at way to inject a Token it into a standard project enabled NR container at restart? I´m considering building a custom container, but i really like standards.

B.T.W. Im looking forward to a production ready version of FlowForge. Its looking like it solves some of our problems with NR in a K8s/GitOps setting.. considering shifting to this when going 1.0.. Looking great already

Yup.. thats where it is represented in the UI. We´re just lacking a key-value set extension to the .config.users.json file ..

"token" : "example-data"

that way i can populate the value (encrypted offcourse) from at K8s-sealed-secret via helm chart values when deploying in our GitOps/K8s development enviroment.

Why not have k8s secrets push a ssh private key into the container and use that for git authentication rather than a token?

I'd need to work out which .ssh directory it needs to go in but I think it should be possible.

Cheers for chipping in Ben.

Just had the same strain of thought, litteraly a couple of minutes a go.. I think youre right, thats the best solution if were going the "build a custom NR image" way.

Two things holding me back (not unsolvable, just more work, and when i say work, i mean "red tape")

  1. I have to enter a long change-process (enabling ssh acess to our git) that might be rejected by our secops team, that is running a pentagon style shop at the moment.. * sigh *
  2. Trying to explain the need for a change-request to build a custom container for NR development, instead of pulling on an "official" image..

But ultimately, this seems to be the only way at the moment..

Cheers again