[Announce] Dashboard 2.11.0

released Dashboard v2.11.0 today - just a few small things


  • Let side menu be locked open via site config tab - Issue #446
  • Let audio playback node show status in editor for debug


  • Fix button background CSS so it can be over-ridden - Issue #444

Don't forget to thoroughly flush your browser cache to ensure the changes get through to the browser.


since I updated to dashboard v 2.11.0 the override of the widget background color does not work anymore.

Thats my ui_template node:

[{"id":"bfd31932.c5d6d8","type":"ui_template","z":"d633b953.e21588","group":"fe7490ad.88b7a","name":"Tür offen","order":0,"width":0,"height":0,"format":"<div design=\"row\" style=\"background-color: yellow;\">\n <p><b><font size=\"7\" color=\"red\"><marquee scrollamount=\"15\" scrolldelay=\"10\" direction=\"left\">Tür offen</marquee></font></b></p></p>\n</div>\n\n\n<style>\n #Ausgänge_Laufschrift,\n #Ausgänge_Laufschrift md-card {\n background : rgba(205,205,205,0);\n color: rgba(205,205,205,0);\n border: rgba(205,205,205,0);\n }\n</style>\n","storeOutMessages":true,"fwdInMessages":true,"templateScope":"local","x":580,"y":120,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"fe7490ad.88b7a","type":"ui_group","z":"","name":"Laufschrift","tab":"ddc3c08a.7faa7","order":10,"disp":false,"width":"29","collapse":false},{"id":"ddc3c08a.7faa7","type":"ui_tab","z":"","name":"Ausgänge","icon":"<i class=\"fa fa-lightbulb-o\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>","order":1}]

and thats the result:

before the update the complete background was yellow :see_no_evil:

how can you correct that again?

You need to apply it to the marquee itself (or both)

<div design="row" >
 <p><b><font size="7" color="red"><marquee scrollamount="15" scrolldelay="10" direction="left" style="background-color: yellow !important;">TĂĽr offen</marquee></font></b></p></p>

 #Ausgänge_Laufschrift md-card {
 background : rgba(205,205,205,0);
 color: rgba(205,205,205,0);
 border: rgba(205,205,205,0);

1 Like

ok thanks but it still does not work right.
There is still a white stripe to see

I used the code from you dceejay

@Georg25 did you take the style="background-color: yellow;" off the <div....> statement?

While trying to reproduce this (which I did) I discovered that in FireFox...the marquee starts in the middle
It scrolls out from a position fixed from the left half of the page - i.e. it is not responsive and coming from the middle when you resize the page.

Yes i took out the style="background-color: yellow;" of the <div..> statement

In Chrome it starts in the right corner.

The only thing that does not work is that the white stripe is still in there

Can you post your flow?

[{"id":"bfd31932.c5d6d8","type":"ui_template","z":"d633b953.e21588","group":"fe7490ad.88b7a","name":"Tür offen","order":0,"width":0,"height":0,"format":"<div design=\"row\">\n <p><b><font size=\"7\" color=\"red\"><marquee scrollamount=\"15\" scrolldelay=\"10\" direction=\"left\" style=\"background-color: yellow !important;\">Tür offen</marquee></font></b></p>\n</div>\n\n\n<style>\n #Ausgänge_Laufschrift,\n #Ausgänge_Laufschrift md-card {\n background : rgba(205,205,205,0);\n color: rgba(205,205,205,0);\n border: rgba(205,205,205,0);\n }\n</style>","storeOutMessages":true,"fwdInMessages":true,"templateScope":"local","x":580,"y":120,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"fe7490ad.88b7a","type":"ui_group","z":"","name":"Laufschrift","tab":"ddc3c08a.7faa7","order":10,"disp":false,"width":"28","collapse":false},{"id":"ddc3c08a.7faa7","type":"ui_tab","z":"","name":"Ausgänge","icon":"<i class=\"fa fa-lightbulb-o\" aria-hidden=\"true\"></i>","order":1}]

That works fine for me in Safari and Chrome. Are you sure you flushed your caches?

No not sure. How can I flush the caches?