Unfortunately, this is a breaking change - so anyone using the old "2D Barcode Decode" node - please read below...
IMPORTANT - Breaking changes in V1
Version 1 has breaking change ~ vs ~ V0.x versions.
Existing flows using the "2D Barcode Decode" node will need to be modified. The easy way of fixing this is to delete any "2D Barchode Decode" & deploy, then update the node, then re-add the new "Barcode Decode" nodes.
Alternatively, you can avoid this issue by performing the following steps...
Upgrade node-red-contrib-image-tools
Stop node-red
Make a bakup of your flow.json file
Opening your flow.json file in a text editor
Search / replace all instances of "type":"2D Barcode Decoder" with "type":"Barcode Decoder"
Save and close your flow file
Start node-red
sorry folks but I have to break eggs to make the omelette.