[Announcement] node-red-contrib-xstate-machine - Flexible state-machines for node-red

@iiLaw Good point. I always thought they are more about processing in the likes of

read input ➡ do processing ➡ write output

in a cyclic rather than event-based manner.

This is actually the first time I heard about it. Somehow in my research about state chart rendering and layouting libraries for node.js I missed it. It looks nice and promising - will definately check it out!

Also the author of state-machine-cat messaged me and said: Hey, why not use the native graphviz program for rendering instead of the node.js port - it's a lot faster. Smcat can produce graphviz compatible dot output. I might take a look at that as well to get a quick fix for the performance issue.

Using graphviz and server-side SVG rendering compared to d3.js etc. has the advantage that the memory footprint and performance requirements within the browser are super low.

However, mermaid.js uses d3 wich node-red uses anyway. I see a way to use this with only a small additional footprint as well. @bakman2, Steve-Mcl Thanks for pointing it out.

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