Arduino USB > Firmata > I2C > [GPIO PCF8574 + MCP23017 + temp BMP280]

About MCP23017:

I've realised there is no "all-in-one" solution to do everything combined.
So I've decided to break into parts:

  1. MCP23017 boards will be used with I2C through a AtTiny85 adapter and one of these nodes.
    Sadly I'll loose the INTERRUPT possibility.

  2. I'll drop PCF8574 modules. Use Arduino boards directly only.
    (Same price\PIN ratio + shielded USB included. A 7 port USB HUB costs < $5. So it's not worth the trouble.)

  3. Temperature reading will be a completely other thing. Maybe with AtTiny85 boards using a safe 1wire PJON system and protocol.

  4. As I've said before: I'll drop Firmata. More trouble than reward.

Closing this topic.

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