it only brings the last file, why is this? the first debug node shows all the data, but the second one, after de first file manager, only shows the last one
Sorry, kinda shocked here jaja. The entire flow is in the pastebin that i've posted, the node that i referring is the file in, i think that the files has nothing to do with the problem, but they are all 39kb images. if you want i can upload a couple to mega.
i want to copy, paste and rename al the image files, the "imagen" property is the current name and the "nombre" property is the final name, the first function retrieves the location of each of the files and the index, so when the second function receives it can rename it. Since there are at least 2500 images i cant just send all the messages with out limit the rate, so far so good. When the "file in" returns the file in the msg.payload it only retrieves the last index of the array and the last file (and repeat this message lista.length times, so i have 2500 equal mesagges with the data of the last index), even when the rate limit node didn't send the last one.