I am using Steel Series Gauges in a Dashboard to show temperatures. I would like to adjust the colors to reflect the heating/cooling setpoints.
The gauge is created inside a ui-template node. I am sending the heat/cool and threshold (midpoint) value to the ui-template - I am able to retrieve and use the 'threshold' value because it's a part of the Steel Series gauges parameters. Here is the code used in the ui-template;
<script src="/myjs/tween-min.js"></script>
<script src="/myjs/steelseries-min.js"></script>
var radial1;
scope.$watch('msg', function(msg) {
if (typeof(msg.temp) != "undefined") radial1.setValueAnimated(msg.temp);
if (typeof(msg.thresholdpnt) != "undefined") radial1.setThreshold(msg.thresholdpnt);
var setCool = msg.coolsetpnt;
var setHeat = msg.heatsetpnt;
var sections = [steelseries.Section(10, setHeat, 'rgba(0, 0, 220, 0.3)'),
steelseries.Section(setHeat, setCool, 'rgba(0, 220, 0, 0.3)'),
steelseries.Section(setCool, 30, 'rgba(220, 0, 0, 0.3)') ],
areas = [steelseries.Section(setHeat, setCool, 'rgba(80, 220, 100, 0.3)')],
radial1 = new steelseries.Radial('canvasradial1', {
gaugeType: steelseries.GaugeType.TYPE2,
minValue: 10,
maxValue: 30,
size: 235,
section: sections,
area: areas,
unitString: "Degrees C",
thresholdRising: false,
userLedVisible: false,
ledVisible: false,
useOdometer: false,
lcdVisible: true,
lcdDecimals: 1,
trendVisible: false
<canvas id="canvasradial1" width="401" height="401"></canvas>
I have added the variables I want to use to the code - assigning them in the scope function, and then using them in the 'sections' and 'areas'. I know this is not correct and it doesn't work - just wanted to make it easier to understand what I am trying to do. I know from another template I was doing recently I could use the msg.coolsetpnt outside of the script, in HTML by enclosing it in double curly brackets. What is the proper way within the script to use the values from msg.coolsetpnt and msg.heatsetpnt?