Automatic update all client connected

Hello everyone
Today I decided to upgrade to Dashborad 2 :innocent:
I can't find Dashboard 1 mode where all widgets are updated when there is a change on all clients
Thank you for your responses

Can you explain in more detail what you mean by that?

Hello and thank you for taking the time to answer my request.
Sorry for my English it's a google translation.
I want the state of widgets (example: switch) to change on all connected clients when clicked.
On Dashboard 1 this is what was happening.
I think it's the mode Single Source of Truth ?
Thanks again

I will try to be more specific in my request.
I position a simple switch on the Dashboard 2
I connect with two separate browsers in two PCs
When I change the value of the switch in a browser #1, the second is not updated whereas on version 1 it was automatic
I must have missed something
Thank you all

As long as pass through message is not selected, you can feed the output back to the input.

You should also add this a a feature request on the nodes github page, if this is operating a device , as you say the switch state should be "the single source of truth "

There is already an open issue for this. Clients get out of sync from centralised datastore · Issue #679 · FlowFuse/node-red-dashboard · GitHub

As you say, the workaround at the moment is to make sure that message passthrough is not enabled, and to feed the output back to the input.

Good evening
Thank you all
But it’s a surprising solution.
I'll move forward and wait for fixes.

Not really surprising. By feeding the new value back in at the front of the switch the new value gets sent to all the clients.

actually it works

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