hello again, new question:
I get the data from openweathermap and I would like to test if the site announces water within 10 minutes, if so: I would like to display a message on the "rain" dasboard otherwise do not display a message
for that I use a "template" block that I program as follows:
<div layout="column" style="padding:10px" layout-align="center center">
<span if="msg.payload.minutely[0].weather[0].0.precipitation!=='0' || msg.payload.current.weather[0].1.precipitation!=='0'" style="color:#F89606;font-size:30px!important">Pluie dans 10mn </span>
I know this is wrong, syntax error and such? ? but I don't know this language.
thank you for completing my example "as a model" I will then adapt it for my application.
it is all the more difficult for me who does not know English! I use Translate
merci !