Best way to populate many ui-gauges-Classic

I have a sql server with 10 columns of weather related information (Temperature, BarrPress, Humidity, outside_temp, outside_humid,...etc) and
I want to use UI-gauge-classic. I'll windup with many gauges but at least it would take up less space.

  1. I can use multiple function nodes for each column such as:
   msg.payload = msg.payload[0].Temperature
   msg.topic = "temperature";
   return msg;

I can use change nodes to do the same thing.
Which one is cleaner and easier to maintain?

A change node is generally preferable to a function node as it is more efficient and less likely to have bugs.

You could also consider a single function node with multiple outputs.

msg.payload = msg.payload[0].Temperature
msg.topic = "temperature"
const msg1 = {"payload": msg.payload[0].BarrPress, "topic": "Pressure"}
const msg2 = {"payload": msg.payload[0].Humidity, "topic": "Humidity"}

return [msg, msg1, msg2, ...]

Thank you. jbuud's solution yields less total node. I'll try that one.

Building on @jbudd's solution you could do something like

const keys = ["Temperature", "BarrPress", "Humidity"]
let messages = => {
    return {payload: msg.payload[0][key]}
return messages;

Do you need msg.topic? If you need it because you are using multiple needles then it becomes a little more complex.

const keys = [
    {payload: "Temperature", topic: "temperature"},
    {payload: "BarrPress", topic: "pressure"},
    {payload: "Humidity", topic: "humidity"}
let messages = => {
    return {payload: msg.payload[0][key.payload], topic: key.topic}
return messages;

The advantage of using a structure like that is that you are separating the data from the logic. So if you want to add a new key, or change it, you just change the structure at the start, the code itself remains the same.

I will try both. Experimentation is important to throughly understanding.
Whenever I read this site I keep saying "I didn't know I could do that.
Thank you.
Yes, multiple payloads with multiple topics.

I will also experiment with this idea. With multiple pointers, why not complex labels such as Temp:yellow,76 BarrPress:Green,1008

I don't understand what you mean by that.

text for the guage (from payload) to show multiple values for each pointer.

Just wondering how to do this.

I think you are confused.

That picture with the coloured arc (green, blue, yellow) is not from the data.

It is set for the range.

I think you can cheat and have dynamic ranges, but that doesn't make sense with what I understand you are doing.
So I won't elaborate on that.

I assume you know that you can display whatever text you want in the text fields. The font size should be controllable by using CSS, but I don't know how to allow multiple lines in the field.

It is the text below the hub that @chuckf201 wants to configure.

You could certainly put the first line in the field above the hub (msg.measurement), and the second in the field below the hub (msg.formattedValue)