Built-in websocket nodes not compatible with Node.js 18?

Is this a known issue? (Maybe the reason the NR 3.0.2 installation script still installs Node.js 16?)

In any event (pun intended), websocket server ("listen to") nodes appear to be broken in NR 3.0.2 under Node.js 18.12.1 (the latest LTS version as of the time I had reason to configure a new Raspberry Pi a short while ago). Does anyone know of a work-around other than "use MQTT instead" or "keep using the out-of-date Node.js?" :wink:

Thanks in advance for any info.

Node JS v16 LTS is still "in date" :slight_smile:

I dont recall it being raised - have you looked (or raised) an issue on the node-red repository?

Node JS v16 LTS is still "in date" :slight_smile:

Ok, "...superseded..." :slight_smile:

dont recall it being raised - have you looked (or raised) an issue on the node-red repository?

Didn't see an issue matching this particular compatibility problem on the node-red repo. Just added one.

Are you getting any error messages? Have you tried increasing the Node-RED logging level to see what is happening?

Please post a link to it so those interested can watch it.

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