I would like to handle this json file, extract a number from three arrays and make them a new array. The expectation is:
[ [1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]........ ]
I have changed my code and tested in single javascript tester and it works, but there is no output in node-red. I think the problem is, the output of the function must be message but mine is not. I don't know if it's right, so I come here for some help...
var angle_value = { payload: msg.payload["tightening steps"]["2"].graph["angle values"] };
var torque_value = { payload: msg.payload["tightening steps"]["2"].graph["torque values"] };
var time_value = { payload: msg.payload["tightening steps"]["2"].graph["time values"] };
var data = [];
for (i=0;i<angle_value.length;i++){
var b = [];
b[0] = angle_value[i];
b[1] = torque_value[i];
b[2] = time_value[i];
data[i] = b;
return data;
Flow below
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"func": "var angle_value = { payload: msg.payload[\"tightening steps\"][\"2\"].graph[\"angle values\"] };\nvar torque_value = { payload: msg.payload[\"tightening steps\"][\"2\"].graph[\"torque values\"] };\nvar time_value = { payload: msg.payload[\"tightening steps\"][\"2\"].graph[\"time values\"] };\nvar data = [];\nfor (i=0;i<angle_value.length;i++){\n var b = [];\n b[0] = angle_value[i];\n b[1] = torque_value[i];\n b[2] = time_value[i];\n data[i] = b;\n}\nreturn data;\n\n",
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