Can someone explain why this switch node is not working ? (NR 4.02)


I have a switch node looking a value in a Context Object and when i do a (what i thought was a straight string comparison for ==) it does not match - when i change the switch to contains - it does match

I have checked with the vendor and they are not adding spaces - and when i copy the value into a text editor there do not appear to be and leading/trailing space - any ideas ?

If i change the contains to == it does not match on either value


your variable is BOOLEAN not a string ... you have to use below instead

Hmm I assumed it was coming in as a string but you are saying it is being turned into a boolean - or just that NR treats all of true/false as boolean

You have check your payload object to determine the field types.

boolean : true / false (no "true" or "false")
string: whenever there are " " than you have strings
numbers : any number INT or FLOAT

estimate: "FALSE" = string
estimate: false = boolean
estimate: 0 = number (not false)
estimate: 1 = number (not true)
estimate: "0" = string

the entire data stream may be received as a STRING but is getting changed into a object with different field types

Yep I have and it is flagged by the provider as text and appears as that in the object - guess NR just makes some assumptions based on field content

Your data stream is most likely a string formated according JSON-format, which clearly defines the data type (no assumptions from NR :wink: ) .. I often use this link to analyse/test JSON strings


JSON-string (formatted):


your object was clearly described by the JSON format (converted into object)


Thanks guys

Had not looked at the system in so long (testament to NR !) that i was rusty - indeed it is a boolean - thanks for the suggestions


Hey Craig.
Just in passing, and reading your question.
You said msg.payload[0].estimate and checking if it is true.
The second picture is the payload.
Wouldn't it be msg.payload[0].trafficInformation.estimate ?
Sorry, just wondering.

Looked again.... Forget it. I'm stupid.

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