Can someone help me with this function node code?

Sorry if this isn't the right place but can anyone tell me why this code creates errors?

if (msg.payload === "on") msg.payload = {"service":"turn_on"}
if (msg.payload === "off") msg.payload = {"service":"turn_off"}
if (msg.payload === "play") msg.payload = {"service":"media_play"}
if (msg.payload === "pause") msg.payload = {"service":"media_pause"}
return msg

When I comment out two of the "if" lines then it runs perfectly. So, I assume I have a syntax issue?

I guess you are missing ";" - but as I am not a friend of function nodes - why are you not using a change node.


I ran you code but no issues. so would need more info like inputs to function

Your code would be better with if else statements and a null response if no match

if (msg.payload === "on") msg.payload = {"service":"turn_on"}
else if (msg.payload === "off") msg.payload = {"service":"turn_off"}
else if (msg.payload === "play") msg.payload = {"service":"media_play"}
else if (msg.payload === "pause") msg.payload = {"service":"media_pause"}
else msg = null
return msg

Well, I just realized that the Play/Pause payload aren't working either alone as alexa says "device" doesn't support that.

Mostly because I don't know how change nodes work. I am so new to all of this still

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