Cannot GET error handler - Controling HTTP_status_codes

This is in response to closed thread:

I just had to deal with this issue and found nginx was a great solution.


proxy_intercept_errors on;

" Determines whether proxied responses with codes greater than or equal to 300 should be passed to a client or be intercepted and redirected to nginx for processing with the error_page directive."

Now nginx handles my errors instead of node-red.

How I use it in nginx

###nginx default file
server {
    	listen 80;
	    listen [::]:80;

        location = /robots.txt {
    	add_header  Content-Type  text/plain;
    	return 200 "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /\n";

        location /static {
            alias /home/nfs/.nfs/httpStatic;
            autoindex on;

        root /home/nfs/.nginx/errorpages;
        #400 Bad Request
        error_page 400 /400.html;
        location /400.html {}
        #403 Forbidden
        error_page 403 /403.html;
        location /403.html {}        

        #404 Not Found
        error_page 404 /404.html;
        location /404.html {}
        #405 Method Not Allowed
        error_page 405 /405.html;
        location /405.html {}

        #406 Not Acceptable
        error_page 406 /406.html;
        location /406.html {}
        #408 Request Timeout
        error_page 408 /408.html;
        location /408.html {}        

        #409 Conflict
        error_page 409 /409.html;
        location /409.html {}
        #413 Payload Too Large
        error_page 413 /413.html;
        location /413.html {}

        #414 URI Too Long
        error_page 414 /414.html;
        location /414.html {}
        #415 Unsupported Media Type
        error_page 415 /415.html;
        location /415.html {}        

        #417 Expectation Failed
        error_page 417 /417.html;
        location /417.html {}
        #423 Locked
        error_page 423 /423.html;
        location /423.html {}

        #429 Too Many Requests
        error_page 429 /429.html;
        location /429.html {}
        #431 Request Header Fields Too Large
        error_page 431 /431.html;
        location /431.html {}

        #444 No Response
        error_page 444 /444.html;
        location /444.html {}    

        #451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons
        error_page 451 /451.html;
        location /451.html {}

        #494 Request header too large
        error_page 494 /494.html;
        location /494.html {}

        #495 SSL Certificate Error
        error_page 495 /495.html;
        location /495.html {}
        #496 SSL Certificate Required
        error_page 496 /496.html;
        location /496.html {}        

        #497 HTTP Request Sent to HTTPS Port
        error_page 497 /497.html;
        location /497.html {}

        #500 Internal Server Error
        error_page 500 /500.html;
        location /500.html {}
        #502 Bad Gateway
        error_page 502 /502.html;
        location /502.html {}        

        #503 Service Unavailable
        error_page 503 /503.html;
        location /503.html {}
        #504 Gateway Timeout
        error_page 504 /504.html;
        location /504.html {}

        #505 HTTP Version Not Supported
        error_page 505 /505.html;
        location /505.html {}
        #507 Insufficient Storage
        error_page 507 /507.html;
        location /507.html {}        

        #set trusted ip's that can foward header info
        set_real_ip_from ::1;
        real_ip_header X-Real-IP;
        real_ip_recursive on;
        #nr-main-controler-http-endpoint used for all unknown and new logins
        location / {

                proxy_pass http://localhost:10000;

		        #Defines the HTTP protocol version for proxying
		        #by default it it set to 1.0.
		        #For Websockets and keepalive connections you need to use the version 1.1
		        proxy_http_version  1.1;

		        #Sets conditions under which the response will not be taken from a cache.
		        proxy_cache_bypass  $http_upgrade;

		        #These header fields are required if your application is using Websockets
		        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;

		        #These header fields are required if your application is using Websockets
		        proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

		        #The $host variable in the following order of precedence contains:
		        #hostname from the request line, or hostname from the Host request header field
		        #or the server name matching a request.
		        proxy_set_header Host $host;

		        #Forwards the real visitor remote IP address to the proxied server
		        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;

		        #A list containing the IP addresses of every server the client has been proxied through
		        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

		        #When used inside an HTTPS server block, each HTTP response from the proxied server is rewritten to HTTPS.
		        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

		        #Defines the original host requested by the client.
		        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;

		        #Defines the original port requested by the client.
		        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Port $server_port;

		        #proxy_set_header Authorization "";
		        #proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-User $remote_user;
                #if all of the proxied servers are down, this will return a 50x error (bad gateway) else tell nginx to intercept this error
                proxy_intercept_errors on; 

Now when I goto an invalid url I can have it handle the redirect to the homepage, that is the dashboard


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