I'm new to Node-Red and just getting acquainted.
I'm able to use the 'exec' node to run and log some system commands (eg "ls", "ps", whoami"). These work.
Then I tried launching NodeJS to capture the output of a JavaScript script. That didn't work so I tried something very simple: just trying to capture the output of "node --version" or "node --help". This doesn't log anything at all. I can't tell what the problem is. I do know that the user that is running node-red has permissions to run NodeJS.
Note: Providing the full path to the node js binary (in my case /snap/bin/node) doesn't help.
Note 2: I'm aware I can run JS directly in Node-Red using "function" but I'm trying to run an existing script.
How can I see why this command is failing? I appreciate any insights the community can provide on how to debug this.
Node-RED version: v2.1.3
Node.js version: v14.18.1
OS: Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS