Changing the color of the font awesome V5 or 6, possible?

Hi, I'd like to bounce around the topic of awesome V5 or 6 fonts.
I can display this car for example, but I can't make it change color.
Do you have any idea if this is feasible?
Here are the 2 templates I use to display the car
Thanks for help.

        "id": "bc343ea4.e18208",
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        "name": "flowtest",
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        "disp": true,
        "width": 16,
        "collapse": false
        "id": "3c94630c.13381c",
        "type": "ui_tab",
        "name": "Test",
        "icon": "dashboard",
        "order": 1
        "id": "87d162b1.d77e88",
        "type": "ui_template",
        "z": "56dc0994.5ec89",
        "group": "61d2dced.3db8f4",
        "name": "",
        "order": 2,
        "width": 0,
        "height": 0,
        "format": "<span class=\"iconify\" data-icon=\"mdi:car\" style=\"color: red;\" data-width=\"80\" data-height=\"60\"></span>",
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        "disp": true,
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        "id": "3c94630c.13381c",
        "type": "ui_tab",
        "name": "Test",
        "icon": "dashboard",
        "order": 1

and here the visual result


Iconify icons will do svg versions of icons. Mostly there will be the <path> element inside that svg. The ui_template has CSS rule which applies for all path elements living in ui_template

.nr-dashboard-theme .nr-dashboard-template path {
    fill:  #330099 /*theme color hex value*/

You'll need to override that rule even for all template nodes or for specific node. Just as you need. There is many threads about how to override dashboard CSS. Do search here in forum if you don't know yet.

1 Like

@hotNipi ,Indeed I don't know how it works. I did however recently read the thread about the beautiful gauges on September 1 even though I didn't understand the techniques used :slightly_smiling_face:
I will search and read carefully how to stop the general rule for dashboard theme formatting.
I want to stop this one only for a specific group and not for the whole dashboard.

If the dashboard Tab is "Test" and the Group is "flowtest" then this should work for all icons within that group: svg.iconify.iconify--mdi path {
fill: red;

I think this will probably work too, but it's more likely to have side effects.

#Test_flowtest_cards path {
fill: red;

I don't know which is more correct.

Thanks for the info.
It's starting to become clearer.
What I wanted to do is this: In the same group, display 4 awesome icons and be able to dynamically change the color of each in a differentiated and dynamic way.
Depending on the payload that arrives regularly in time, the color of the icons will change showing a different state.
I have the impression that this way is not the solution. Should I look at SVG? But is it possible to mix the dashboard with a part of the screen controlled by node-red-contrib-ui-svg.
Sorry if this is a bit confusing, but as it is not clear to me, it is obviously not easy to explain
example of what I want to achieve:
Time1: icone1(red) icone2(green) icone3(grey) icone4(black)
Time2: icone1(grey) icone2(red) icone3(green) icone4(black)
Time3: icone1(red) icone2(grey) icone3(blue) icone4(green)

Here, I was able to test a bit the SVG node, so I was able to integrate awesome 6 fonts and change the colors. It's a good start :smiley:
For those who are interested, here is the flow of the demo.


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