Changing the colour of the label of a text node in the dashboard (Solved Old Dashboard Used))

Css is css, adding node-red would not get a better response

Just add css class for the two color css to a ui-template. You can the call the class using msg.className at run time.
Using ui-template to set all your css styling has it all in one place for easy editing.

What you have do seem fine to me as you are setting the style using css.

If you require further help, start your own topic and provide examples what is not working for you. It is poor etiquette to hijack another persons topic, it also makes it harder for future readers what the solution for the topic OG issue.

As the only person to use the word deprecated in this thread, I should warn you that I am far from being an expert in HTML or CSS and you may wish to take this into account before changing your code based on my opinion. :sweat_smile:

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CSS to me is like walking on Mars. Nothing I have done yet and I am afraid I will never be able to do.

Honestly, I think my addition fits rather well to the original problem. A minor extension. If you ignore my reference to "dynamically" of course :slight_smile: ... hence it might very well be a border crosser.

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