Chart and Gauge from Dashboard 2.0

Hi everyone,
I need some help. I want to use a chart / gauge for my input (MQTT), but it did not work when I linked it to the chart / gauge! Do I need something more?
thanks for ur help :slight_smile:


Show us what is coming out of the mqtt node (send it to a debug node obviously) and how you have configured the chart

Sure! This is my MQTT setting:

You were asked to show us what you have coming out of the mqtt node, and also how you have configured the chart.

But also please note the comment on the mqtt node in yellow.

Do you mean this?

The yellow part is not more yellow.

This bit

Then, if it is still not working when fed into a gauge, connect a Debug node to the MQTT and show us what it shows.

Also, as I suspect you are just starting with node-red, I recommend watching this playlist: Node-RED Essentials. The videos are done by the developers of node-red. They're nice & short and to the point. You will understand a whole lot more in about 1 hour. A small investment for a lot of gain.

Thanks . I will watch them. this is my Code :slight_smile:
flows (19).json (410 Bytes)

This code includes Dashboard (version 1) and Dashboard 2.0. Dashboard 1 it works but Dashboard 2.0 it does not work!

flows (20).json (2.7 KB)

All you have posted is the chart node.

Also see this post for the preferred method of posting flows here - How to share code or flow json

Please also do what I you have been asked to do several times, which is to add a debug node to the MQTT node and show us what it gives.

I did it but it dosent show any message..

It is still showing the blue dot, you have not deployed it.

I did deploy it..
I dont know what i do more ?


You need to click the Deploy button, it is red so there are nodes not deployed. Really, watch the videos and then come back if you still have problems.

Many thanks.. I found the problem..
That made my night!

The Chart node expects a number, whilst you are sending a string.

Are you using an older version of Dashboard than v1.15.0 ?
If you are, please update it, and try again, as I recall that the dashboard was recently updated to accept either a string or a number