chart node is plotting only 12 points whereas there are var 30 points in the payload
The code is below,
'''series =["Average pressure","x"];
var labels = ["Labels"];
var data = ;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < msg.payload.length; i++) {
data.push({"x":msg.payload[i].date+"/"+ msg.payload[i].month +"/"+ msg.payload[i].year, "y":Number(msg.payload[i].pressure_avg)});
The values are from the payload. There I am getting date, month and year data separately so I am combining all to get x-axis in date/month/year format.
my date, month and year information is coming from the database which stores the same information from the RTC. btw the problem is solved as i parsed the date information in yyyy-mm-dd format.