Compatible Light Switch For Node-Red

You may be able to use the Tuya software that comes on most of the switches. I think there is a node for it and I think that it also supports GH.

However, you are, of course, trusting yourself and your home to the Internet and the people running the Tuya cloud in China. As this is something that you are, effectively, getting for "free", you perhaps may wish to consider what the true cost might be.

  • Reliant on a working Internet connection (Virgin Media has been up & down this week).
  • Possibility of the service being turned off in the future.
  • Possibility that you might have to start paying for the service in the future.
  • Probability that your data is being sold to aggregators and mixed into advertising (political not just commercial) which ties your mobile devices, phone number, location and home network to your actual identity.

Oh and of course, do double check that the device is actually compatible with UK wiring, most aren't I don't believe. Also double check how your light switches are actually currently wired.