Connection lost in uploading large files

I always receive connection lost when trying to upload files bigger then 700MB when the code works perfectly with smaller files . I tried the upload_mas_filesize in the input tag in the template node and nothing changed I am new to node red so i couldn't understand the problem if anyone has faced the problem before can help me
Thanks in advance.

Which node are you using to upload the files? node-red-contrib-ui-upload? if yes did you used also node-red-contrib-chunks-to-lines ?
Can you give more info like an example flow and picture?

I am using the input html tag here is the code for the dashboard template am then encoding the file to send it inside a HTTP put request body

        "id": "c881b02b7b31fbf0",
        "type": "ui_template",
        "z": "64a9f9c7f717adab",
        "group": "ffb7763e.5afd68",
        "name": "upload html webpage",
        "order": 2,
        "width": "12",
        "height": "43",
        "format": "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html>\n<head>\n    <style>\n\n       #myFile{\n           margin-top : 2px;\n           margin-bottom: 2px;\n       }\n       #reset{\n           margin-top: 1em;\n           margin-bottom:1em;\n       }\n\n       .List {\n           margin-top : 2px;\n           margin-bottom: 2px;\n            height: 200px;\n            overflow-y: scroll;\n       }\n       #donwload-link{\n           margin-top : 2px;\n           margin-bottom: 2px;\n       }\n   </style>\n</head>\n\n<body>\n\n    <input type=\"file\" id=\"myFile\" webkitdirectory directory multiple max_file_size=\"4194304\" onchange=\"myFunction()\">\n    <br><br><br>\n    <md-button ng-click=\"send({input:action()})\">\n        Click to send the files\n    </md-button>\n    <button id=\"reset\" type=\"submit\" onClick=\"refreshPage()\">Reset</button>\n\n    <div  style=\"color:red; font-size:2em;\" id=\"waiting\" ></div>\n    <ul class=\"List\" id=\"pathList\"></ul>\n    <br>\n    \n    <script>\n        var result = {};\n        \n        function myFunction() {\n\n            var myFile = document.getElementById('myFile');\n            console.log(\"myFile :\"+ myFile);\n            var pathList = document.getElementById('pathList');\n            console.log(\"pathList :\"+ pathList);\n            let files = document.querySelector('input[type=file]').files;\n            \n            console.log(\"files :\"+ files);\n            function removeAllChildNodes(parent) {\n                while (parent.firstChild) {\n                    parent.removeChild(parent.firstChild);\n                }\n            }\n\n            removeAllChildNodes(pathList);\n            pathList.innerHTML = \"<h3>the selected files are<h3>\";\n            [...files].forEach((file, index) => {\n                let path = document.createElement('li');\n                path.innerHTML =;\n                pathList.appendChild(path);\n            });\n\n            function readAndPreview(file) {\n\n                var reader = new FileReader();\n\n                reader.addEventListener(\"load\", function () {\n                    var b64 = reader.result.replace(/^data:.+;base64,/, '');\n                    //let file_name =;\n                    result[] = b64;\n                    console.log(\"######\" + + \"######\");\n                    //console.log(b64);\n                }, false);\n\n                reader.readAsDataURL(file);\n            }\n\n            if (files) {\n                [], readAndPreview);\n            }\n        }\n        \n         (function(scope) {\n            scope.$watch('msg.payload', function(data) {\n            content = data.formatinfo;\n            datentime = data.dataandtime\n            console.log(\"before in\" + data.doneprocessing );\n            console.log(\"data.doneprocessing: \" +;\n                if(data.doneprocessing){\n                    console.log(\"data.doneprocessing in\" + data.doneprocessing );\n                    document.getElementById('waiting').setAttribute(\"style\", \"color:green; font-size:2em;\")\n                    document.getElementById('waiting').innerHTML = \"requested\"; \n                    document.getElementById('info').innerHTML =;\n                    document.getElementById('donwload-link').innerHTML = \"click to download the log report\"; \n           }\n        });\n    })(scope);\n\n\n        this.scope.action = function () {\n            let files = document.querySelector('input[type=file]').files;\n            if(files.length==0){\n               alert(\"select the files\")\n                document.getElementById('info').innerHTML = \"\";\n                document.getElementById('donwload-link').innerHTML = \"\";\n                return {\"invalid\":\"none\"};\n            }\n            document.getElementById('info').innerHTML = \"\";\n             document.getElementById('donwload-link').innerHTML = \"\";\n            document.getElementById('waiting').setAttribute(\"style\", \"color:red; font-size:2em;\")\n            document.getElementById('waiting').innerHTML = \"requesting...\";\n            console.log(result);\n            return result;\n        }\n        \n        function downloadreport(){\n           let index = \n            download(content, `viz_log_${datentime}`, \"txt\");\n        }\n        \n        function download(content, fileName, fileType){\n        var link = document.getElementById(\"donwload-link\");\n        var file = new Blob([content], {type: \"txt\"});\n        var donwloadFile = fileName + \".\" + fileType;\n        link.href = URL.createObjectURL(file);\n = donwloadFile\n        }\n        \n       function refreshPage()\n        {\n            window.location.reload();\n        } \n    </script>\n     \n <div class=\"List\" id=\"info\"></div> \n <a href =\"#\" id=\"donwload-link\" onClick=\"downloadreport()\"></a>\n \n</body>\n\n</html>",
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the solution is to divide files to chunks when reading them in the template node.

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