Constructing Multiple Outputs

I’m new here, so please excuse any inexact terminology.

Input to a node with 3 outputs consists of an array: [34, 35, 36]

matchVar = 35

Function iterates over the array. Where a match is found, the corresponding msg.payload is set to {"On": true}. Where it does not match msg.payload becomes {"On": false}

I've got this far, but I am not constructing the output correctly:

var matchVar = 35; //test value
var outmsg = {};
var inputArray = msg.payload; // [34, 35, 36]
var outputArray = [];
var i;
for (i = 0; i < inputArray.length; i++) {
    if (inputArray[i] == switchedOn) {
        outmsg.payload={"On": "true"};
        outmsg.payload={"On": "false"};
return outputArray;

I (think I) know that the output should look like: [ msg1, msg2, msg3] where msg1.payload is {"On": "true"}, msg2.payload is {"On": "false"} and msg3.payload is {"On": "true"}, but I am getting tangled up.

Not bad for a newbie.

So what you need to do is build an output array too.

So you have the three checks.

I am not a programmer. But from your code:

for (i = 0; i < inputArray.length; i++) {
    if (inputArray[i] == switchedOn) {
        outmsg.payload={"On": "true"};
        outmsg.payload={"On": "false"};

Make it something like:

for (i = 0; i < inputArray.length; i++) {
    if (inputArray[i] == switchedOn) {
        outmsg[i].payload={"On": "true"};    //  look at what I did here.
        outmsg[i].payload={"On": "false"};   //  and here.

That way you have an outmsg[i] array.

Then at the end you do:

return [outmsg[0].payload,outmsg[1].payload, outmsg[2].payload]

Basically it is:
return [payload1, payload2, payload3]

And you have to set the node to have 3 outputs.

Again, I shall stress: I do not know how to write code.
But that is basically how you would do it.

Others could possibly reply and correct my mistake.

Good luck and enjoy Node-Red.

There are two common mistakes.

  1. You are using the same message and thus overwriting the previous payload.
  2. to feed multiple outputs, a complete message (including payload) is required, you just push the payload

So something like this should work (not tested):

for (i = 0; i < inputArray.length; i++) {
    let outmsg = {}; // create new message object for each output
    if (inputArray[i] == switchedOn) {
        outmsg.payload={"On": "true"};
        outmsg.payload={"On": "false"};
    outputArray.push(outmsg); // output the complete message object

Alternatively, you could reuse the input message and clone it with RED.util.cloneMessage(msg) each time. That way you can preserve existing properties.


Thank you. I'd been really tangled-up with this, but I get it now.

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