Controlling Authorization and Multi-User Redirection in Dashboard 2.0: Understanding Webpage URL Generation

  • I'm currently working with Dashboard 2.0 and need guidance on customizing middleware for authorization and handling multi-user [admin/read/write] redirection for specific pages.
  • Could someone clarify where the web page URL is generated within the Dashboard 2.0 setup? Understanding this would help me implement the necessary control logic for redirecting users based on their roles.
  • Any insights or pointers to relevant documentation would be greatly appreciated.

Couple of bits that will hopefully be useful:

If you're looking at middleware though, then the above may be too high level. The webpage is a factor of Node-RED settings (httpAdminRoot), the path of the ui-base config node (hardcoded to /dashboard currently) and then the path the respective pages, which is defined on each page's configuration.

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Thanks a ton !