Convert Array into JSON

Im getting data from html page and need to convert the array into Json to get it into cloud.
I am using the JSON node, but the result doesnt look like Json to me, also the data is not in the cloud.

Could anybody help me?

Looks like a JSON string to me, If you want a JS object then do not pass it through a JSON node.

thanks, trying it now with a function node, but somehow it separating into many objects, how to do the function correctly so I would get JSON like
Screenshot 2023-05-22 115714

"hour": 00:00-01:00,
"price": 0.33,
"hour": 00:10-02:00,
"price": 0.39,



This is not a valid JavaScript Object. You cannot have duplicate property names - each object can only have one hour and one price.

"hour": 00:00-01:00,
"price": 0.33,
"hour": 00:10-02:00,
"price": 0.39,

The Function code you have written is more correct; it creates an individual object for each hour/price pair.

But ultimately it depends on what you want to do with this data - and what format the cloud service you are using expects to receive.

you are right! i need to have the data in Json format to get them into the cloud.
So probably now I can somehow split these into multiple JSONs for each time/price and send them to the cloud separately or create one JSON with different key names like Hour1, Price 1, etc..

the first option makes more sense

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