Convert Specific Gravity to Brix

I'm attempting to convert Specific Gravity to Brix coming in via a webhook from a Tilt Hydrometer. These numbers are used to monitor fermentation progress. I pulled the equation from Wikipedia and it's below but I'm trying to figure out how to use this equation in a function node. The number coming in from the webhook in specific gravity would look something like 1.07 but I'm not very familiar with how to work this into a javascript-based function. Any help available?

SG -> Brix Equation:
Brix = (((182.4601 * SG -775.6821) * SG +1262.7794) * SG -669.5622)
Punching in 1.07 for SG in this equation equates to 17.055

let SG =1.07
msg.payload = (((182.4601 * SG - 775.6821) * SG + 1262.7794) * SG - 669.5622)
return msg;  // 17.05478999429988

Or if the sg is in msg.payload then replace first line with
let SG = msg.payload

Thanks for the help guys. I was able to get this working and build it into my flow. This flow splits up a few of the webhook variables that can be sent and sends them to a couple of charts and a dashboard status. The converts for brix are just converting a number out to one decimal point. There's probably another way of doing it but this was easy. This is for a RAPT Pill Tilt Hydrometer converting to Brix in Node-Red. Saying this because I wasn't able to find anything while searching so hopefully someone else finds this post useful.

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        "name": "Name",
        "func": "msg.payload.topic_root =;\n//msg.topic = msg.payload.topic_root + \"brix\";\nmsg.payload = msg.payload;\nreturn msg;",
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        "z": "15f71001.075b9",
        "name": "Publish Brix Status",
        "func": "msg.topic = msg.payload.topic_root;\nlet SG = msg.payload.gravity;\nmsg.payload = (((182.4601 * SG - 775.6821) * SG + 1262.7794) * SG - 669.5622);\nreturn msg;",
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        "z": "15f71001.075b9",
        "name": "Publish Temp Status",
        "func": "msg.topic = msg.payload.topic_root + \"/temperature\";\nmsg.payload = msg.payload.temperature;\nreturn msg;",
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        "name": "Status",
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        "z": "15f71001.075b9",
        "name": "Publish Brix Chart",
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