I am reading the SMART values from a Harddrive and getting the following payload back:
SMART/Health Information (NVMe Log 0x02)
Critical Warning: 0x00
Temperature: 42 Celsius
Available Spare: 100%
Available Spare Threshold: 100%
Percentage Used: 10%
Data Units Read: 43,125,108 [22.0 TB]
Data Units Written: 16,184,137 [8.28 TB]
Host Read Commands: 636,777,953
Host Write Commands: 803,393,168
Controller Busy Time: 4,597
Power Cycles: 89
Power On Hours: 15,157
Unsafe Shutdowns: 37
Media and Data Integrity Errors: 0
Error Information Log Entries: 0
Warning Comp. Temperature Time: 0
Critical Comp. Temperature Time: 0
Temperature Sensor 2: 42 Celsius
Now, I want to work with the "text" and either create a new JSON output from it, like:
"SMART/Health Information (NVMe Log 0x02)":
"Critical Warning":0x00,
"Temperature":"42 Celsius", //maybe this can be modified to 42 (without 'celsius')
"Available Spare":"100%", //maybe this can be modified to 100 without percentage
"Available Spare Threshold":"100%", //maybe this can be modified to 100 without percentage
"Percentage Used":"10%", //maybe this can be modified to 100 without percentage
"Data Units Read":"43,125,108 [22.0 TB]",
"Data Units Written":"16,184,137 [8.28 TB]",
"Host Read Commands":"636,777,953",
"Host Write Commands":"803,393,168",
"Controller Busy Time":"4,597",
"Power Cycles":89,
"Power On Hours":"15,157",
"Unsafe Shutdowns":37,
"Media and Data Integrity Errors":0,
"Error Information Log Entries":0,
"Warning Comp. Temperature Time":0,
"Critical Comp. Temperature Time":0,
"Temperature Sensor 2":"42 Celsius" //maybe this can be modified to 42 (without 'celsius')
Thanks and with best regards,