Countdown timer, im missing a reset function

this works but with flaws.. the goal is to set countdowntimer and have a resetbutton combined with the force button. (while forcing is set, timer will be set to reset) However, in this i tried but here isnt any way to stop the timer or set a new value to 0 to force timer to end.

How should you have done? build a function?

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        "env": []
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        "name": "Heater",
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        "wires": []
        "id": "f32dc433fd419a39",
        "type": "countdown",
        "z": "36b3d6632c413afb",
        "name": "",
        "topic": "",
        "payloadTimerStart": "true",
        "payloadTimerStartType": "bool",
        "payloadTimerStop": "false",
        "payloadTimerStopType": "bool",
        "timer": "30",
        "resetWhileRunning": false,
        "setTimeToNewWhileRunning": true,
        "startCountdownOnControlMessage": false,
        "minuteCounter": true,
        "x": 390,
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        "z": "36b3d6632c413afb",
        "name": "",
        "label": "Force start/ stopp",
        "tooltip": "ICE - just dont..",
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Acording to the 'Help' tab on the node:


Starting the timer


any msg.payload that does not stop the timer or reload the timer starts the timer.

Stopping the timer

payload boolean | number

if false or 0 : Immediately stops the timer.

It doesn't look like the 'Force start/ stopp' button is connected to the countdown node....

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