CPU spikes on Raspberry 4 every hour

I am still trying to find out. htop paints a different picture than "loadavg" node (node-red-contrib-os). There I could see only a spike for about 1 second. That is caused by an arp request -> pinging every 10 seconds for present detection. The curve loadavg draws is not comprehensible. In my theory could this be the case:

  • Every 10 seconds cpu spike by arp - request.
  • Every 60 seconds cpu load measure by loadavg.
    At some point the time where these events meet (maybe by a delay of the trigger (both use an injection node) and then the curve of high load will be drawn.

But I could be totally wrong with that.

I dont use influxdb. I use MariaDB for only two values. all the rest of my config is a json object saved to SD card every 10 minutes.