Creating a loop I think!


I'm running node red on a Raspberry pi3.
I need to create a loop I think.
if the weight is greater > 10.00 then open and close the side value. 5 seconds open 5 seconds closed. then repeat
if the weight is greater > 10.00 then open and close the side value. 5 seconds open 5 seconds closed
if the weight is greater < 10.00 then close the side value.

I have the switch working with the properties of > or < 10.00 which is working as it should

I just can't understand the open and close side value for 5 seconds.
can anyone help me, please?

Also, I'm a newbie to this.

Thank you in advance

There are a number of ways to do the wait

Take a look at the trigger node
Or look at the delay node

I have tried these but I cannot make this work. all that I have archived is pulling my hair out LOL.
So how would you suggest this will work

So I need the payload to be 0 for on and 1 for off.
but these need to be sent once every 5 seconds.

trigger node works perfectly for this.


Thanks so much for coming back to I have added this to my flow and because of my input node is creating an output every 1 second I get a closed every second, which is fine but when the switch is > 10.00 the open is followed by a closed straight away. hope this makes sense.

Ok so how do you see this work with a 5 second window of open/close, do you want to execute them all ? You will end up with a major lag. You can add a delay as rate limiter (max 1 per 5 seconds) in the input.

ideally the way I would like this to work is, disregard any messages that are received. any payload > than 10.00 open and close the valve once then start the process again. the default position of the valve is closed.

I need to ideally be able to customised the valve opening and closing time

I have added a delay as suggest but it's doing some crazy things!

Take a look at the cookbook

You could use the change node to set a flow/global variable and then use a switch on your input based on that flow/global variable

How did you configure the delay node ? This should sit in front of the switch node.

yea that's how I had it configured just seems to do some weird things.

I think whats happening is every 5 seconds its sending a close. once the open is received the closed message follows it straight away not giving the valve to open for 5 secs and close for 5 seconds.

I forgot to check the checkbox.

How are the triggers suppose to work?
mine will send an 1 (open) straight away
wait 5 seconds
then send a 1 (open) and a 0 (close) at the same time. is this normal?

If you are sending a message every 5 seconds as well, are you sure you aren't seeing the triggered message and the next message?

You are sending numbers and strings ? Not the same thing.
Can you post your flow, and some input examples ?

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I warn you this isn't pretty, as I said a newbie. will accept any suggestions LOL

step 1 would be to edit your post to surround the code by 3 backticks ` before and after to make it importable

appreciate your patience :wink:

Also I have edited my last post

export it again (editing an existing post won't always work).

three backticks `


three backticks `

i managed to import it.

What kind of data comes from the serial ?
Do you have some dummy data available ?

All that is coming from the serial is weight from scales.
Every second 0.00 is the payload.

Sorry is that enough information?