Hi All,
I have been using cron-plus with dynamic schedules based on solar events and am trying to set up a "regular" cron event, also dynamic schedule based...
While the solar event ones work fine, my "regular" cron event runs once and then that's it...
Where am I going wrong?
Here is the contents of node that I use to send the timer info to the Cron-plus node to turn on a coffee machine....
var CoffeeMachOnH = global.get("CoffeeMachOnH", "file")|| 0;
var CoffeeMachOnM = global.get("CoffeeMachOnM", "file")|| 0;
var OnTime = {
"command": "add",
"name": "Ontime",
"expression": "0 " + CoffeeMachOnM +" " +CoffeeMachOnH+" * * * *",
"expressionType": "cron",
"payloadType": "boolean",
"payload": "true",
"limit": 3
msg.payload = OnTime;
return msg;
Any help would be appreciated!!