Curl command to NR flow converter

Continuing the discussion from Using a Working curl with node-red http-request:

Is anyone familiar or built a tool like this?

Apart from the one I've built but never got around to publishing? No.

It was a slow burner/side project and I got it pretty good but then had a disaster in December (lost everything on my laptop though a hardware failure and I didn't have it in a git repository :man_facepalming:). I have an older version (not as sleek or thorough as the almost finished plugin I had developed) but I do intend on getting it back to a publishable state soon.

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Oh very sorry to hear about your disaster, it’s really sucks when it happens.

Jokes aside, that can be a pretty useful tool that people will like.
I hope you can publish some version for the community to try and maybe have some feedback.

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