Custom node appearance and event handlers. Proof on concept: Inline Gauge

is the key here :slight_smile: Integrated

Split screening is OK if only working on one thing but i find it very inconvenient when switching between different apps and webpages in real life

For all the developers ever looking for this: the code from the inline gauge is available here. @johnebgood if you ever find the time to write down (e.g. in the wiki of your repo) some of your ideas (why you did it like that, the pitfalls, and so on...), that would helpfull. For me at least... Thanks!

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How would you feel about having a new node in uibuilder that could extract a property named something like uib from other nodes in order for them to package their own HTML, UI, or ui-builder config? Do you think there is enough potential to make this worth investigating?

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I am most certainly always open to new ideas. :slight_smile:

Shall we take this to a new thread to discuss? I'd like to understand a bit more about your idea, not sure I've entirely grasped it yet.

There is something on the backlog I've had for quite a while (I think it is still there - the backlog is a bit large!) to help facilitate 3rd-party nodes for uibuilder. So certainly worth a discussion.

Sure, I made a thread here: Third-party UI in ui-builder

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For people that are wondering how a Node-RED flow editor as a dashboard would look like, you should have a look at the banners used in the official Node-RED blogs. For example this one:


But be aware that these images are only teasers :yum:
Now I will shut up forever about this topic.
Promised!!! (so :innocent: and not :lying_face: ).

** Official "FlowFuse", not "Node-RED", have to be sure on the differentiation. This is also just an artistic license to show what I built in the tutorial, I do like interfaces like though

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