Dashboard 2.0, Chart - Data OR time series X axis, but not both?

Hi folks,
I have been trying to get a multi series chart working in DB 2.0, and I am struggling...

I have looked at the documentation, linked Here and although it helped quite a bit I now have a very annoying issue that I cant work out how to fix...

For context...
I am reading data from Influx, using a dynamic query, with the intention being to allow series values to be selected, along with time range, aggregate period an a scale factor that can be optionally applied once the data is delivered to Node-Red.

As of now I have the code to build the query, but no clever connected, so the query is effectively fixed, removing that as a potential cause of the issue.

So... To the issue
I am sending the chart an array of objects, as per the docs, and have appropriate keys in place, so far as I can tell.

The screenshot is the processed data, well a tiny snippet of it anyway...

With the chart node set to X Axis Time\Scale I see a timescale that is correct but nothing plots, despite the series labels populating...

However if I change the X Axis to Linear, the data plots just fine and the timestamp labels disappear.

What is even more odd is that if I then switch back to the timescale setting, and deploy, the data remains and he timestamps are displayed, right up until the chart is reloaded or new data passed tom it.

FYI, that only works one way around, if the data fails to plot, it cant be 'reveled', like the timestamps, by changing a setting, so it looks like it isn't being received and cashed.

The code snippet is below, but as nothing in it is changing I don't think it will help much...

        "id": "164b0e335568cf73",
        "type": "ui-chart",
        "z": "f1dfd5fdaa5b6807",
        "group": "c50b707a69ef9e81",
        "name": "",
        "label": "chart",
        "order": 3,
        "chartType": "line",
        "category": "series",
        "categoryType": "property",
        "xAxisLabel": "",
        "xAxisProperty": "timestamp",
        "xAxisPropertyType": "property",
        "xAxisType": "linear",
        "xAxisFormat": "MM-dd HH:mm",
        "xAxisFormatType": "custom",
        "xmin": "",
        "xmax": "",
        "yAxisLabel": "",
        "yAxisProperty": "value",
        "yAxisPropertyType": "property",
        "ymin": "-8000",
        "ymax": "8000",
        "bins": 10,
        "action": "replace",
        "stackSeries": false,
        "pointShape": "line",
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        "id": "968d51e060c3a60a",
        "type": "function",
        "z": "f1dfd5fdaa5b6807",
        "name": "function 2",
        "func": "/*\n\nfrom(bucket: \"HydroDB\")\n    |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)\n    |> filter(fn: (r) => r[\"_measurement\"] == \"Electrical\" or r[\"_measurement\"] == \"Resource\")\n    |> filter(fn: (r) => r[\"_field\"] == \"Grid_Watts\" or r[\"_field\"] == \"Inv_Volts\" or r[\"_field\"] == \"Inv_Watts\" or r[\"_field\"] == \"intake\")\n    |> aggregateWindow(every: 10s, fn: mean, createEmpty: false)\n    |> yield(name: \"mean\")\n\n*/\n\n/*\nvar MinLen = msg.series.min.length;\nvar MeanLen = msg.series.mean.length;\nvar MaxLen = msg.series.max.length;\n*/\nvar EndTime = (Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000));\nvar StartTime = 60 * 60; // * 24 * 7;\nStartTime = EndTime - StartTime;\nvar AggPeriod = '10s';\nvar strStartTime = StartTime.toString();\nvar strEndtTime = EndTime.toString();\n\n/*\nif(MinLen + MeanLen + MaxLen == 0){\n    msg.payload = {};\n    return msg;\n}\n*/\n\nvar Q1 = 'from(bucket: \"HydroDB\") ';\nQ1 = Q1 + '|> range(start: ' + strStartTime + ', stop: ' + strEndtTime + ') ';\nQ1 = Q1 + '|> filter(fn: (r) => r[\"_measurement\"] == \"Electrical\" or r[\"_measurement\"] == \"Resource\") ';\nQ1 = Q1 + '|> filter(fn: (r) => r[\"_field\"] == \"'\n\n\nvar Q2 = 'Grid_Watts\" or r[\"_field\"] == \"Inv_Volts\" or r[\"_field\"] == \"Inv_Watts\" or r[\"_field\"] == \"intake\") '\n\n\nvar Q3 = '|> aggregateWindow(every: ' + AggPeriod + ', fn: mean, createEmpty: false) ';\nQ3 = Q3 + '|> yield(name: \"Mean\")'\n\nmsg.query = Q1 + Q2 + Q3;\n//msg.topic = [\"Grid_Watts\",\"Inv_Volts\",\"Inv_Watts\",\"intake\"]\nreturn msg;\n\n/*\nvar t2 = (Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000));\n//var t2 = 1740765600;\nvar t1 = t2 - 172800;\nvar st1 = t1.toString();\nvar st2 = t2.toString();\n\nvar q1= 'from(bucket: \"HydroDB\")';\nvar q2 ='|> range(start: ';\nvar q3 ='1740762000';\nvar q4 =', stop: ';\nvar q5 ='1740765600';\nvar q6 =')|> filter(fn: (r) => r[\"_measurement\"] == \"Resource\")';\nvar q7 ='|> filter(fn: (r) => r[\"_field\"] == \"intake\")';\nvar q8 ='|> aggregateWindow(every: 60s, fn: mean, createEmpty: true)';\n\nmsg.query0 = q1 + q2 + q3 + q4 + q5 + q6 + q7 + q8;\nmsg.query = q1 + q2 + st1 + q4 + st2 + q6 + q7 + q8;\nreturn msg;\n*/\n\n\n  \n  \n  ",
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                "t": "set",
                "p": "series.min",
                "pt": "msg",
                "to": "[\"Grid_Waytts\"]",
                "tot": "json"
                "t": "set",
                "p": "series.mean",
                "pt": "msg",
                "to": "[\"Grid_Waytts\"]",
                "tot": "json"
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        "name": "function 14",
        "func": "var i = 0;\nvar data = [];\n\nwhile (i < msg.payload.length){\n    data.push({\n        \"series\": msg.payload[i]._field + \" (\" + msg.payload[i].result + \")\",\n        timestamp: (Math.floor(new Date(msg.payload[i]._time).getTime() / 1000)), //.toLocaleString(),\n        \"value\": Math.round(msg.payload[i]._value)\n    })\n    i++;\n}\nmsg.payload = data;\nreturn msg;\n",
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Ignore the comments in the query builder section, that will just be used to control the building of the query... As you can see it is fixed right now.

I am probably just missing something silly but I am pulling my hair out trying to figure out what!
Any help suggestions would be much appreciated.

I have attached a short data set, just in case anyone wants to play!
Data.txt (15.6 KB)
It is just a copy of the debug node output, so exactly what the chart is getting!


Your timestamps are unix timestamps in seconds, the chart requires milliseconds. Therefore your chart data is older than 53 weeks and does not show.

Convert the timestamps to milliseconds.

1 Like

You absolute HERO...!

Where is that in the docks?
I am sure it will be there somewhere, the reason I didn't think to question it, seconds/milliseconds that is, was because was because the chart was happily displaying all the timestamp info, accurately over the correct range, just not at the same time as the data...

I am using seconds for the query because that is the format that Influx likes, at least it is when using a numeric Epoch value as opposed to a time-string, which is an odd format, by default, on Influx query language, whatever that is called.

Anyhow you fixed my issue in considerably less time than it took me to ask the question and I don't want to think about the hours of fiddling and digging about...

Thanks so much for your time and attention...

What would you recommend as a maximum data object count?
I want to build something in that stops clients from selecting 1 second data for a month, and other such silliness.

I just pushed it 2200 or so records, no drama and way too much detail to be useful... Cool!

BTW, do you know anything about href: file downloads in the new template node, I cat get that to work either...


I just checked the example in the documentation and the UNIX timestamp in the object example is a 10 digit number, 1234567890, to make that clear, so the example is in second's
I am not saying I would have noticed had it been 3 digits longer but wouldn't have expected it to be too short! Ah Well, hope this helps someone else too.
Is there a can we fix the docs thread / procedure?

approx the pixel width of the monitor , as the config suggest 1000.

This was picked up a few weeks ago and @joepavitt said he would address it DB2 - Chart node - time serie - #5 by joepavitt, looks like it may have slipped his memory.

Could you please raise an issue on the github page to make sure it is not forgotten GitHub · Where software is built. with a link back to here

We cross posted there... my edit, and yes happy to do that.

1000 seems reasonable, I had clocked that just didn't appreciate the rational, thanks.
