Dashboard 2.0 gauge scales. I'm missing something here too

Node code:

[{"id":"aa774e2285d75616","type":"ui-gauge-classic","z":"d6026c14350dea74","name":"Classic","group":"9d0aa235d37c5289","order":4,"width":"3","height":"3","min":0,"max":"0.1","sectors":[],"major_division":"0.01","minor_division":"0.001","value_decimal_places":"3","scale_decimal_places":0,"label":"","measurement":"milliWatts","units":"milliWatts","needles":[{"topic":"A1","color":"green","lengthPercent":"100"},{"topic":"A2","color":"yellow","lengthPercent":"100"},{"topic":"A3","color":"orange","lengthPercent":"100"},{"topic":"A4","color":"black","lengthPercent":"100"},{"topic":"A5","color":"brown","lengthPercent":"100"}],"sweep_angle":"180","myclass":"","x":1190,"y":190,"wires":[]},{"id":"9d0aa235d37c5289","type":"ui-group","name":"My Group","page":"0aef6b45c70fc7e6","width":6,"height":1,"order":1,"showTitle":true,"className":"","visible":true,"disabled":false},{"id":"0aef6b45c70fc7e6","type":"ui-page","name":"Power Gauges","ui":"81d0a76c830e3379","path":"/page1","icon":"home","layout":"grid","theme":"b608c93778d60f83","order":2,"className":"","visible":"true","disabled":"false"},{"id":"81d0a76c830e3379","type":"ui-base","name":"My Dashboard","path":"/dashboard","includeClientData":true,"acceptsClientConfig":["ui-notification","ui-control"],"showPathInSidebar":false,"showPageTitle":true,"navigationStyle":"default","titleBarStyle":"default"},{"id":"b608c93778d60f83","type":"ui-theme","name":"Default Theme","colors":{"surface":"#ffffff","primary":"#0094CE","bgPage":"#eeeeee","groupBg":"#ffffff","groupOutline":"#cccccc"},"sizes":{"density":"default","pagePadding":"12px","groupGap":"12px","groupBorderRadius":"4px","widgetGap":"12px"}}]

Screenshot from 2024-08-25 21-24-24

I know it is SMALL numbers with which I am working.
But I don't understand why I am not seeing better numbers on the gauge's scale.

This is an example of the messages going into it.

Because you have told it to show 0 decimal places on the scale. You probably want that to be 2. It will get a bit crowded though, you might be bettter to show micro watts, with a range of 0 to 100.


That is an incredibly small power, what are you measuring?

In order to avoid confusion, it might be better to mention in the thread title that you are using the classic gauge, and in the text that it is @colinl/node-red-dashboard-2-ui-gauge-classic.

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Phone recharger.

(Yeah, an exercise)

I have got around the problem - kind of - by multiplying it by 1000 and taking it from watts to milliwatts

But the number of times it was showing my only a 0.x to 1.x value was painful.

Your image said it was already milliwatts. Do you mean that it was actually a range of 0 to .01 Watts and that the units shown on the gauge were wrong.

I would expect that to consume up to about 10W on a normal charger or 80W on a superfast one.

Yeah, well, it is early days for me in this part.

the image: that was just what I wrote. Got ahead of myself with the label.

Ok, the story:

A device gets hungry and I have to feed it. (or as I also say: plug it into life support)
As you may have guessed: it is a smart device controlling the charging.

So I press the button on the smart device (Tasmota) and it starts charging the unit.
As time passes the needle keeps going up and the total power used this time is shown.

Then when the device is full,I hope there will be a noticeable drop in power used.
That will be detedcted and the tasmota device turned off, AND a signal to me that it is full.

Then, when I have a nominal time for it to charge from a given lower level, I can set the tasmota device to ...... Oh. Yeah, Ooops. I already said that.

But this is early in the journey.

Oh, sorry

That Problem with the needles on the gauge......
That is where the needles get parked if they aren't active.

Is there a way to wipe them if they aren't wanted?

Not that I can think of, no.


Not a deal breaker.

Just something I have to work on to keep things nice at this part of the project.

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