Dashboard 2.0 table use TextDecoder cannot display spaces

Use example can be displayed

        "colA": "A  C.  A",
        "colB": "Hello.",
        "colC": 3
        "colA": "B  A .",
        "colB": "World.  ",
        "colC": 5

螢幕擷取畫面 2024-05-09 164551

but using Uint8Array and TextDecoder("utf8") will display boxes in chrome and edge

let name = new Uint8Array(10).fill(' ');
const decoder = new util.TextDecoder("utf8");
const str = decoder.decode(name);
msg.topic = 'Success';
msg.payload = [{ "aaa": str,"bbb":1234 },{ "aaa":111,"bbb":123 } ]
return msg;

螢幕擷取畫面 2024-05-09 164028

How can it be fixed?

This is not doing what you think it is. It results in :

Uint8Array(10) [
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0

What exactly are you trying to achieve?

I need a Uint8Array to call a C++ DLL to store the returned name.

fill(' ') is just the code I tested. I don't know why 0x0 cannot display space or ignore , but it can be displayed normally in dashboard 1.0.

I think it is the other way around. Dashboard 2 is correctly displaying 10 null chars. Dashboard 1 possibly trimmed null chars.

If you want to remove null chars, something like this will do it...

const cleaned = uncleaned.replace(/\0.*$/, "")

Looks like I might have misunderstood, I'll look at replace


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