Dashboard 2 Color picker

I am slowly leaving the old good dashboard towards dashboard 2. And I also have just learned that all components from Vuetify can be implemented by simply using the template node. This is really great; after some trial and error (I am neither a java script nor a html expert) I fell in love with the v-data-table component which makes life so much easier if compared to the former approaches.
I am sure I can deal with all remaining stuff to be moved, however, exept for the color picker. Until now I am using the node-red-contrib-ui-iro-color-picker (as provided by Christian aka Christian-Me ). But the pickers from Vuetify are different. What I need is a color picker wheel with a saturation slider and a temperatur slider. I don't see that it is possible to use a wheel (instead in Vuetify there is a canvas approach which I don't like). What are my options to get over that hurdle ?

Thank you in advance...

Dear my friends, I did it and would like to share my flow (which is based on IRO.JS) and is directly implemented into a template node. Maybe it's useful for you.

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        "format": "<template>\n  <div id=\"color-picker\"></div>\n</template>\n\n<script src=\"https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@jaames/iro@5.5.2/dist/iro.min.js\"></script>\n\n<script>\nexport default {\n  mounted() {\n    // Initialisiere den Farbpicker\n    this.colorPicker = new iro.ColorPicker('#color-picker', {\n      width: 250,\n      color: { r: 255, g: 0, b: 0 }, // Standardfarbe\n      wheelLightness: false,\n      layout: [\n        {\n          component: iro.ui.Wheel,\n          options: {\n            wheelAngle: 270, // Rot nach oben\n            wheelDirection: 'clockwise' // Drehrichtung im Uhrzeigersinn\n          }\n        }\n      ]\n    });\n\n    // Event-Listener für Farbänderungen\n    this.colorPicker.on('input:end', (color) => {\n      this.send({ payload: color.rgb });\n    });\n\n    // Listener für eingehende Nachrichten\n    this.$socket.on('msg-input:' + this.id, (msg) => {\n      if (msg.payload && msg.payload.r !== undefined) {\n        this.colorPicker.color.set(msg.payload);\n      }\n    });\n  }\n}\n</script>",
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But what I could not get managed is to implement a function to enable/disable it and greying it out (by sending a msg.enabled true/false). Any help appreciated...


While trying around (my iro.js variant is not workingquite satisfactorily) I found something beautiful ;-). The best picker I have ever seen. Don't want a working solution. But just to know, if this could be implemented (without much effort) into our dashboard 2.0 environment. Short description is: A Color Wheel Picker for Vue, built on top of Vite & Vue 3

Demonstration / Webpage


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