Dashboard 2 table column width

Using dashboard 2, 1.21.0 table node with manual columns and setting a width for the columns.
Whatever I enter in width seems to be ignored. I can not control the width of columns.
Any ideas?

Testing width 2015 but nothing happens:

Does overall size allow 2015px width respecting sizes for all other columns also?

I was just trying, I also tried smaller numbers like 500 and so on, but nothing changes.

Question is same for 500.

Group node is 30x1 and the page set up for 36 columns. What else can I check?

If you set sizes for all columns... Even if it is not your design target..

I set width for each column but does not help

It's time to make the smallest possible flow to point out the issue and rise a bug against the dashboard.

I personally used value in % (including the '%' character, such as '10%', '80%' and '10%' for 3 columns for example), and it worked.
Maybe try 500px instead of 500 ? (I did not try this)

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