Dashboard Chart- array input

Hello All,

I would appreciate your support in configuring the node chart on Dashboard 2 to represent the following data:
var payload={

Sorry Jose but I see no data!

Hi @JoseGodinho - we've modified how charts work in Dashboard 2.0, which means that you no longer need to format data this way.

The idea of charts in Dashboard 2.0 is that charts can take in the data from your original data source, and shouldn't require too much data manipulation (if any).

If you have a sample of what your data looks like, we'll be happy to help you.


Thank you again For your support.

As you may see per the pics attached, I have the unit data and the output chart on Dashboard 1.

I would like to just configure the node of the chart and use the info as its shown.

Please see as well the data structure

var payload={

Thanks for the extra detail, as we\re not backward compatible, we're not able to render data when it's in that format. From 99% of the case, we're seeing data generally comes from somewhere else, e.g. SQL database, or API response, and then Dashboard 1.0 users were having to manually reformat the data into the Dashboard 1.0-friendly way of rendering.

For Dashboard 2.0, you can just pass the SQL data (or whatever your source is) into the chart node directly.

With your provided example, we could handle data like:

    "bucket" "3-4",
    "count": 0
}, {
    "bucket" "4-5",
    "count": 2
}, {
    "bucket" "5-6",
    "count": 6
}, ...]

And you would set the "X" property for the chart to key: bucket and the "Y" property to key: count

Thank You !

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