Dashboard - Multi User Login System Flow Example
Demo - https://dashboard-muls.no-fs.com/ui/
Username=admin / Password=password
Resets changes every hour so if someone messes it up just try agin in an hour.
Requires nodes - node-red-contrib-twin-bcrypt & node-red-contrib-moment. You will need to add these nodes to your pallet.
Link to The Flow, v0.0.1
Logging into the /ui/
Username = admin
Password = password
Multiple User Accounts
- Users create their own account and you approve them. No need to fill out all the information yourself!
- Users can recover their own account. By setting up node-red-node-email and letting users get a new password; however email is not required users will just have to contact you to rest their password.
Restrict Tab access
- Just set the Tab number and access will only be granted to logged in users. If a user that is not logged in and clicks on a Restricted Tab they will be taken to the login page.
Basic User Account Control
- Users can change their password after logging in. They can also delete their account.
- Select a currently registered user and see information on the account. Then you may edit their role (admin/user), reset their password, or delete the user from the system.
- Select a pending user and and see their supplied information. The you can add the pending user or delete them.
- Password Requirements can be changed to make passwords more or less secure by requiring letters, numbers, or characters in a submitted password to meet requirements.
You can enable or disable email support for the user recovery of passwords. - See the Log and control its stored length.
- Enable/Disable email support for user account recovery.
- Control the LOG length and refresh it as needed.
A user with a slow connection can get a load of the page before being redirected. BUT! because all triggers are tied to a socketid the user is unable to actually trigger a setting. It is recommended that any triggers and controls you create are tied to the socketid of the authorized user. Also a user would have to stop the page causing a 'lost' event for socket.io making them unable to control the page. upon reload he would be force redirected again.
socketid's are deleted upon connect and lost events. So if a user somehow managed to trick the server into accepting that he is of socketid of a currently logged in user then it would delete the socketid upon connect and force them to the login page.
ip addresses are tied to socketid's as well to be sure. Oh there are ways to spoof them but it adds another level.
Do I think its safe for the big bad world wide web. NO! But the mdashboard version solves all these issues of leaky pages. Sure they can get a blip of a page but its not populated with the data. Because all data shown is per socketid. I'm working on that version ATM and hope to release it next weekend.