Dashboard opening very slow

Good morning,

I'm having a problem with the display speed of my nodered dashboard, it takes about 5 minutes before it is displayed in my Firefox browser.

Here is my configuration:

  • Nodered and Mosquitto are hosted on an 8 GB RaspberryPi 5.
  • RaspberryPi is connected via Wifi to my home network.
  • I currently have 2 DHT22 sensors and a barometric sensor connected to an ESP32 which communicate via MQTT.

I have configured my network to have access to my dashboard anywhere but it is very slow to load and what worries me is that I have a lot more sensors to connect and Templates to modify in my final project.

I am attaching images of the steps for opening my web page as well as the active nodes.

How can I fix this problem?

Thank you in advance for your help.

PS: "I'm French, the translation may not be great..."


Hi Ludo.

Welcome to the forum.

It shouldn't be that slow.

So to check:

The machine with the temperature sensors is a .....?
On what machine are you trying to see the dashboard?

Next question - re-reading the situation:

What happens if you plug the RasPi into the network via a cable rather than WiFi?

It COULD be problems in/on the WiFi causing some problems too.
If you have a lot of WAPs near you channel availability may not be as good as you would like.

Better to check just to be sure.

Often the reason for slow loading is the size of any charts - and the number of points displayed - typically a display would normally only show up to around a few hundred up to a thousand points across a screen. Any more than that and you will struggle to see the points and you will be shifting massive amounts of data around for even simple updates. So you may want to reduce the resolution of your pressure graph by smoothing or decimating for example.

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By this do you mean you can access this from anywhere on the internet? If so, have you secured your network? If not you run a high chance of being hacked or already may have been hacked.

This has happened to a number of users that have opened access to their network.

Thank you all for your responsiveness,

I'll actually have to try plugging my Pi into an Ethernet port to see.
I have currently configured to have remote access to my RaspberryPi as follows:

  • RaspberryPi protected by username/password
  • Username/password protected NodeRed
  • Mosquitto protected by username/password

When I connect anywhere in the world, I want to be able to access my home server seamlessly.

The sensors that will make up my configuration are all connected to ESP32s which communicate with NodeRed via MQTT.

I'm not at home this week, I can still try to neutralize the board and see if it reacts differently.

I therefore neutralized the table and indeed, the web page started instantly.
Do you have clear tutorial links for the optimum configuration of the tables?

I configured "Delay" nodes at one minute for all my sensor readings so as not to saturate the data flow. Is this good or useless?

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Hopefully, also on that list, is that you have configured access via https, not http. Otherwise using access via username/password is virtually useless as the myriad of servers that you request goes through will all be able to see your username/pwd in plain text. If you have not configured https then make sure you don't use that name/pwd anywhere else.

It really isn't safe to expose the Node-RED Editor directly over the Internet without some significant care and attention. Especially if you are using a pi with the default logins, such a device should NEVER be connected to the Internet at all.

Use one of the safe zero trust services such as NGROK, ZeroTier or Cloudflare Zero Trust.

We've seen a lot of compromised servers over the last few months, please don't become the next. Indeed, if your server has been exposed for a while, there is a reasonable chance that it is already compromised and you should check very carefully for running services you do not recognise.

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Good morning,

I am becoming aware of the extent of insecurity, is my project viable if I implement the following different points:

  • User/password authentication to the nodered interface.

  • Password encryption by hash.

  • Securing my RaspberryPi / Computer / phone behind via VPN.

The HTTS settings in the setting.js file seem complicated, is it really necessary if the points mentioned above are sufficient?

Thanks in advance,


Red this FAQ. All of it. Safely accessing Node-RED over the Internet

I think that if the connection between you and your home network is over a properly configured VPN, then all traffic, including usernames and passwords, is encrypted.
So setting up Node-red to use HTTPS should be unnecessary.

I think I will opt for the VPN.

Is it necessary or wise to lock the editor interface when the project is functional and no longer needs modification?



I strongly urge you not to use a point-to-point VPN into your network. That only pushes the problems around and VPN's are also complex to do correctly.

Instead use one of the tools I've already mentioned. They will give you secure HTTPS connections with authentication and will be much stronger than anything you can cook up yourself. It also means that you don't have to mess with Node-RED's authentication so you can get straight in if you are on your home network.

Agreed, the options @TotallyInformation mentions are much simpler and generally cheaper than a traditional VPN, or free.
I would add Tailscale to his list.

I used to use PiVPN but switched to Zerotier.

  • It's much simpler to setup.
  • No need to open any ports on your router.
  • No need for a dynamic DNS service to keep track of your public IP address.
  • Only devices you choose can be directly accessed over the secure "VPN" connection.

Note that access to your devices is only as secure as your zerotier account name and password. Use a long unguessable password or key access.

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