Dashboard Slider Node

I'm using a slider node in the latest release of node-red+dashboard. When I enable the 'Output only on release' It will show the value of the slider on the dashboard at all times. After inspecting it in chrome is is showing up as an .md-thumb-text element but I don't seem to be able to disable this either via the node or when using CSS in a template node. The CSS I am attempting to use is below;

.md-thumb-text {
background: transparent !important;
.md-thumb {
background: transparent !important;
Any help in removing these markers would be appreciated.

To hide it:

md-slider .md-sign {
   opacity: 0 !important;  

Still to show it when slider is active:

md-slider.md-active .md-sign {   
  opacity: 1 !important;

Excellent, that has worked a treat!

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