Dashboard slow to load

And the network tab in the browser?

Also what does top show when not loading the dashboard? I would like to see the memory stuff as well as the top few lines of processes please.

Attaching the Network tab and a screen of top during normal operations.

Node-RED is using 30% of your memory which is a bit insane I think.

You seem to be running on a 1GB RAM device and something is causing some swap and this is quite likely to be part of the issue. Swap activity on an older Pi running from SD-Card is a performance killer.

I think so too, but what to do?


This PI is only running NR (with mosquitto)

Upgrade to a 2GB (or more) Pi4. That should make a big difference. Or something like an old laptop you may have lying around if it doesn't need to be a pi.

From the network tab I was hoping to see something like

to get an idea of how much is being transferred and how long it takes.

I think you need to review your flows. Look for over-use of sub-flows and check for loops.

here it is a better view

Yes, I think this is the idea. I am start thinking about it

What is the connection between the browser and the Pi? You only seem to be getting about 1Mbps, if I am reading the tools output correctly.

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@Colin Aaah! Yes, you got the point! I changed the ethernet cable between Raspi and the switch and now it is fast again! Thank you for helping in troubleshooting.

I had something a bit similar recently. I think one wire had gone open circuit but Ethernet can still get something through even with one wire open. The comms had to continually retry though, due to comms error, so the pi was working flat out continually re-sending packets.

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@TheSaltydog You might find my thread here about the slow loading / timeout happy dashboard.

There are many tips that you might be able to use to speed things up, but given your Pi platform, I think the others have covered those limitations.
My NR was running on a 12 core 128Gb RAM gaming class PC and takes around 2 minutes to load my dash.

IMHO the V2 dash should not be out of alpha yet, its still mostly unusable due to lack of core features, so you will need to go down that path very carefully knowing that its a waiting game for the features to catch up with the v1 dash.
I am unable to migrate any of my current dash features over so can not make any speed / robustness comparisons as yet.

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