Data transfer from the dust sensor DSM501 and their processing.

Data transfer from the DSM501 sensor and their processing.
I have an air quality sensor. It sends me 2 values ​​via MQTT. I want from values ​​#1 - values ​​#2. But there is a feature which is this. Data from values ​​No. 1 arrives inconsistently in time (not simultaneously with values ​​No. 2).

What I have learned to do. I take the data of values ​​#1 and send it to an array and then to a google spreadsheet.

And I need to process the data for a period of time or when array 1 is full (because data from values ​​#1 (array 1) comes faster and more often, and data from values ​​#2 (array 2) is slower and not often) and do the calculation again reset the arrays and start filling arrays and calculate when array 1 is full (or take a time interval of 10 seconds and without waiting for the arrays to be filled, calculate the sum of the values ​​of array 1 minus the sum of the values ​​of array 2). At me the new data arrives and mixes up with old.

How can you imagine this for example: you have two taps of water and 2 cups. Beer is flowing rapidly from faucet 1, Water is slowly flowing from faucet 2. Task: to make it so that when at the same time substitute cups and draw beer and water (beer will be filled faster), and then stop taking liquid and from beer minus water we get alcohol. And send the sum further to the calculation (in my case, I will take PM1-2.5 =PM1 - PM2.5 (the value of the sum of array No. 1 - the values ​​of the sum of array No. 2) and calculate the number of aerosol particles per cubic meter (multiply by 0.063612) then I will compare the calculation with the value from the table and get AQI). Help with calculation. I don't learn much about Node-red because I'm new. And My language is not English.

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Would it be easier to join the payloiads and send on every time there is a new reading coming in. Not sure what your calc is but here is an example of how to set it up. I also put both your line charts into one chart, and outputted JS objects from your mqtt nodes..

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The join node will initially wait for the two incoming messages, then output when either mqtt node sends a message, using the previous reading from the other sensor.

Hello. How to add a cycle so that array 1 is filled, then only the number is calculated, then the calculation goes further to the chart. It can be done? Or output the average. But there will be a lot of output values per day, and air pollution will need to be calculated in a moment in 5 - 10 minutes, for example. (For reference 2 and 5, data is output from one sensor). Thank you.

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mqtt node 1 sends 30 messages in 1 minute, and mqtt node 2 sends 10 messages in 1 minute. you need to collect all messages from the first minus the second, then after 1 minute send the result to the output, and reset the arrays and fill them again.

It doe not matter that there is a difference in message deliver time. You just use the last receive message to do calc when a new message from either sensor comes in. You are over complicating the flow.
You can then use the smooth node to average your calc output over a time period, or similar.

how to add a cycle? You will need to reset the accumulated calculations and count again. Perhaps you're right that I'm overcomplicating the task. If we consider your option, then the next question is how to average out of 100 values or in 1 minute.
Yes, I will have to think about averaging.

Use the smooth node to average input and then do calc after join, then add calc to payload object, then split to send to chart. The cycle would then be 1 minute, e.g.

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how it looks after 15 mins running

Hi. I think that you should not hope to get reliable data on air quality from the sensor in comparison with expensive devices from the store. Therefore, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to create 2 environments for the sensor - this is clean air and dirty air, and then interpret the data into a graph.
I encountered difficulties in the program and I think that Nod red from lacks the simplicity and speed of creating programs. In general, the program is good, but if it had the ease and simplicity of the Flprog program, it would be better in its understanding. The problem is how to find what you need, then understand how it works - it takes a very long time, a lot of time is wasted. Thanks for the help.

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This topic was automatically closed 60 days after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.